Saturday, December 22, 2007
EYE Exercises
Sit tall maintain a good posture – relax your shoulders, keep the head straight and chain parallel to the floor. The whole body should be still while doing the exercise, Do these exercise everyday to strengthen the eyes.
Look to the ceiling and then down to the floor without moving your heat. Repeat 10 times.
Look up to the right side without moving your head then to the left side.
Take a pencil or u se your finger and hold it under the tip of your nose, looking at it for a few seconds, and then stat moving it away at a distance, without raising it, until you can see it clearly without any blur. Do this 6 to 8 times.
Slowly roll your eyes first clockwise, in a circulate movement making a circle as large as possible, Do this for 6 to8 repeat ions. Then repeat the same action in an anti-clockwise direction.
Short Legs linked to liver disease?

Short Legs linked to liver disease
Longer legs mean better livers, according to a research. The shorter you are the more chance you have of liver disease, researches have found.
The study monitored more than 3,500 British women and measured the level of four enzymes produced by the liver which indicate how well the organ is working.
The research found that the longer a woman’s legs were, the lower the levels of three of the enzymes.
Childhood factors
Both leg and full height were measure, and blood samples take to measure four liver enzymes: ALT, GGT, ALP and AST: Then longer the leg length, the lower the levels of three of these enzymes.
The team, led my Dr Abigail Fraser, speculated that their findings were linked to upbringing.
“Our interpretation of the results in that childhood exposures, such as good nutrition that influence growth patterns also influence liver development and therefore levels of lover enzymes in adulthood and/or the propensity for liver damages,” they wrote.
At the same time , they added,” greater height may boost the size of the liver, which may decrease enzyme levels so ensuring that the liver is able to withstand chemical onslaught more effectively.
Skin Care Tips :: To Do & Not To Do
1.Not Drinking enough water:
This is perhaps the most repeated advice and the least followed. Your body needs at least two litres a day to remove toxins from your system, partly through your kidneys and partly through your skin. Lacking this, toxin build-up will affect your skin as well as your general health, making you tired and dull. Keep that bottle on your desk, and drink!
2. Picking your pimples:
We do it unconsciously, when nervous, or just as a habit. pimples don't harm your face permanently. What leaves untreatable scars is your picking, pinching and playing with them -- scars so deep that even dermatologist cannot get rid of them 100 per cent. Prevention is the best cure, so stop touching your face and start proper anti-acne treatment.
Important Beauty Tips
· Dry almond skins in sun till brittle. Powder, mix with gram flour, turmeric and store. Add curds and honey to a Tablespoonful of mixture and use to rub skin clean while bathing. Making and excellent cleaning agent for the Body and face.
· Dip fingers in warm olive oil every alternate day for 7-8 minutes. Remove and rub the oil that stays over till the hands absorb it. Reuse the same oil cup to keep fingers and hands soft and free from winter dryness.
· Make a smooth paste of fresh tender green gram (1 tsp.), curds (2 tsp.), turmeric (2-3 pinches) spread smoothly over face. Wash after 15-20 minutes for that fresh cool feeling.
· Chill cucumber juice and apply pads soaked in them over tired and strained eyes, to release the tension and bring back freshness and sparkle. Repeat daily.
· To get bushy eye brows, apply hair conditioner to eye brows at night everyday and leave overnight washoff in the morning. The nutrients in the conditioner work wonders. By Shatish Patel
· Use a soft baby toothbrush to clean nails while bathing. They come out clean And it is not harsh on the nails.
· Rub inner peel of ripe papaya over face and neck. Wash off with tap water, and wipe with A soft towel after 15 minutes. Apply a mild astringent if desired. This leaves a cool, fresh, Feel on the face for hours. Regular use, will make the skin soft and glowing.
· Inner peel of bananas can be rubber over skin, and washed off After 15 minutes, for that fresh, cool, glowing feeling.
· Rub the inner side of a banana peel all over the face and neck. Relax for 15 minutes. Wash With tap water and dab with a soft towel thereafter. An easy instant natural treatment which Makes facial skin feel fresh and rejuvenated.
· Apply decoction, got from boiling tea leaves in plain water and strained, to dark circles under The eyes. Cool the decocotion well before applying, Regular application will lighten them.
· Rinse washed hair with a dilute decoction of tea in the last mugful, to add a lustre and bounce To your hair.
· Cover face with fresh clean peels of cucumber, potato, etc. (soaked in a little rosewater), relax For 15 minutes, remove peels and wash off with tap water. Pat dry with soft towel. Gives you a great fresh and rejuvenated feeling. You will almost feel your pores breathing back.
· Dry lemon and orange peels till brittle. Powder them and sieve with a fine mesh. Rub teeth with powder and wash. This mixture acts as an excellent whitener for teeth, with continued use.
· Add salt to a tsp. of lemon juice to make a paste. Apply all over teeth, brush to give a gentle massage, rinse. Makes teeth white. Repeat weekly for very yellow cases.
· Let mehndi stay on hands for 8-9 hours (or overnight) after applying. Dab with cotton wool soaked in very sweet sugar water, every hour, till you take off the mehndi.
· Cover hand with a single layer of thin silk or polyester scarf, before slipping through bangles, if they are tight fitting and there is fear of breaking them. They will slip through very easily. Or use the corner of you sari pallu of the same material.
· Warm hair oil, before massaging into the hair. This way it will soak better at the roots and is more effective. Alternate hot and cold water soaked towels to turban the head 2-3 times before washing oiled hair.
· To make mehndi come out brighter, rub a little sesame oil on palms before applying, and dab a swab of cotton soaked in mustard oil after applying. This way the mehndi will not fall off soon after drying up.
· Apply petroleum jelly all along the hairline, face and neck before applying dye to hair. This will avoid staining of the skin with dye that tends to run down.
· Do not throw away cucumber peels. Place them in a moist cloth till you have the time. Place them inner peel touching skin, all over your face. Relax with closed eyes for 15 minutes. Splash face with tap water, pat dry, apply moisturiser. The peels should also be placed over eyes.
· While sieving maize flour do not throw away the upper rough husk. Use this mixed with gram or urad or masoor dal flour as a scrub, by making a paste with some curds and rose water. Your face will feel clean, fresh and healthy.
· Make a paste of gramflour and honey, with a few drops of lime. Wash face, rub the used lemon vigorously all over face and neck. Apply paste. Keep for 10 minutes. Wash off with tap water. Feel your skin glowing and fresh.
· To access bindis easily, put them in a small photo album, like photographs. They will be not fall about and can be located very fast.
· Grate cucumber before soiling your hands with any other ingredients, like chillies. Save the extracted water and apply on face with a clean cotton ball. Wash off after 30-40 minutes for a clean, cool, feel.
· Make a pack of raw potato peels, by folding in a wet gauze. Place two such packs over eyes for 15-20 minutes. Regularly used, this helps in reducing puffiness under the eyes and dark circles.
· Sun dry lemon peels till brittle. Powder and use for scrubbing the face clean.
· Rub the peel of ripe papaya, (inner side) on skin of face and hands, after peeing fruit. Keep for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water, for a fresh clean feel.
· Rub face with the peel of papaya, (inner side) keep for fifteen minutes. Wash with cool water, for a fresh clean feel.
· Do not throw away almond peels. Sun dry and drygrind fine. Mix with gramflour, curd and use as a face wash.
· Use a mixture of lemon juice and glycerine in equal parts to dip nails which are brittle and bruised to make them stronger and shinier. Repeat process regularly if the case is extreme.
· To get rid of dandruff apply the following mixture of once or twice a week. Keep for 20-25 minutes before washing off with a mild soap or shampoo. Warm together, 1 tbsp. curds, 2 tsp. oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice.
· When grinding udad dal for dosas, keep aside 2 tsp. for applying to hair. Keep on for 15 minutes, wash with shampoo as normally. Gives body and lustre to hair.
· Combs can be cleaned by dipping them for a while in a solution of washing soda and warm water.
· Soak used lime peels (20-25 at a time) in hot water for an hour or two. Squeeze peels inside the water. Strain. Mix 2-3 tsp of rose water. Mix this water in the last part of you bath water, for the tangy lemony-fresh luxury bath. At no extra cost !!.
· Soak a few (4-5) tablets of camphor in your hairoil (coconut) to keep away dandruff and lice.
· To get rid of dandruff, mix juice of 1 lime in 1 tbsp. curd (yoghurt) and 1 tsp. coconut oil. Apply to the scalp and hair 1 hour before shampooing. Do this at least once a week for dandruff-free hair
· Make a potpourri of dried roses, lavender, jasmine, mintleaves, oatmeal and a handful of coarse gram flour. Tie in a strong but not too thick cloth. Soak for 10 minutes in bathwater and rub youaelf with the pouch while bathing for a fresh, fragrant and clean, clean bath.
· To avoid fingernails getting grimy and gritty during messy work, apply some petroleum jelly or vaseline generously all over the hands.
· To get rid of dandruff, add one part water to one part vinegar and apply to scalp. Wash after half an hour. Repeat this weekly for good results.
Home Remedies For Dry Eyes
Tear ducts that do not produce enough fluid to keep the eyes moist can result in an uncomfortable dry eye condition that is characterized by irritation, burning and a gravelly feeling.
Lack of humidity in your home or workplace may be the source of your dry eyes. Get an hygrometer to measure the humidity, then add a humidifier to raise the level.
Computer use or other close work where you need to concentrate can cause or exacerbate dry eye syndrome. When you concentrate you don't blink as often and therefore your eyes aren't being lubricated. People blink about 22 times a minute while relaxing, 10 times while reading, but only 7 times while working at a computer. Try to blink more frequently and take frequent breaks or use artificial tears.
Home Remedy for Dry Eyes
Use of a humidifier in conjunction with The See Clearly Method helps moisten the air and works even in dry, cool areas of the home or office.
Diet changes to include foods rich in vitamin A such as salmon, sardines, eggs, and dedicated nutritional supplements help to improve tear production.
Practice The See Clearly Method exercises on a daily basis until one's dry eye relief goals are achieved.
Natural Tears
Check out homeopathic eye drops for dry eye syndrome. Homeopathic medications are without side effects and are well-tolerated by even the most sensitive system. They work to restore health rather than to suppress symptoms.
You may be able to eliminate artificial tears completely by adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, which may increase the viscosity of oils made by the body, mostly in the skin and eyes. Omega-3s are found abundantly in coldwater fish and flaxseed oil. This means eating several servings of fish a week-especially all varieties of salmon (except smoked) and canned white tuna-and/or taking flaxseed oil.
CAUTION: If you're on blood-thinning medication, have uncontrolled high blood pressure or bleeding disorders, or are going in for surgery, be sure to check with your doctor before taking flaxseed oil.
Help your eyes do the work they're sup posed to do by opening the clogged oil glands in the eyelids. Take a warm, white washcloth and place it on your closed eyelids. Leave it on until it turns cool-five to 10 minutes. Do this a few times a day-obviously, the more the better.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Why Drink Coconut Water?
Why Drink Coconut Water?
CocoWater is naturally:
- Low in Carbs
- 99% Fat Free
- Low in sugars
Coconut Water contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help -
- Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature.
- Orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all natural isotonic beverage.
- Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells.
- Naturally replenish your body's fluids after exercising.
- Raise your metabolism.
- Promote weight loss.
- Boost your immune system.
- Detoxify and fight viruses.
- Cleanse your digestive tract.
- Control diabetes.
- Aid your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes, and AIDS.
- Balance your PH and reduce risk of cancer.
- Treat kidney and urethral stones.
- Boost poor circulation.
Coconut Water -
The English name coconut, first mentioned in English print in 1555, comes from Spanish and Portugese word coco, which means "monkey face." Spanish and Portugese explorers found a resemblance to a monkey's face in the three round indented markings or "eyes" found at the base of the coconut. On the Nicobar Islands of the Indian Ocean, whole coconuts were used as currency for the purchace of goods until the early part of the twentieth century.Coconuts are the fruit of the coconut palm, botanically known as cocos nucifera, with nucifera meaning "nut-bearing. " The fruit-bearing palms are native to Malaysia, Polynesia and southern Asia, and are now also prolific in South America, India , the Pacific Islands , Hawaii and Florida. The light, fibrous husk allowed it to easily drift on the oceans to other areas to propagate. In Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as kalpa vriksha, meaning "tree which gives all that is necessary for living," since nearly all parts of the tree can be used in some m anner or another. The coconut itself has many food uses, including milk, meat, sugar and oil as well as functioning as its own dish and cup. The husk was also burned for fuel by natives, but today a seed fibre called coir is taken from the husk and used to make brushes, mats, fishnets, and rope. A very potent fermented toddy or drink is also made from the coconut palm's sap. Coconut oil, a saturated fat made from dried coconut meat, is used for commercial frying and in candies and margarines, as well as in non-edible products such as soaps and cosmetics.Although it takes up to a year for coconuts to mature, the trees bloom up to thirteen times a year, so fruit is constantly forming yielding a continuous harvest year-round. An average harvest from one tree runs about 60 coconuts, with some trees yielding three times that amount. The coconut's name is a bit of a misnomer, since it is botanically classified as a drupe and not a nut. It is the largest seed known.If you've ever opened a fresh coconut, you will have seen the thin, opaque almost clear coconut juice or water which has a slight almond flavor. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the coconut milk. However, the water is consumed as a drink fresh from the coconut by many, and it can also be used in recipes.
Here are some more information about Coconut Water -
"It's a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak." In fact, during the Pacific War of 1941-45, both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water - siphoned directly from the nut - to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers.Most coconut water is still consumed fresh in tropical coastal areas - once exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses most of its organoleptic and nutritional characteristics, and begins to ferment.
- Coconut Water is More Nutritious than whole milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol.
- Coconut Water is More Healthy than Orange Juice - Much lower calories.
- Coconut Water is Better than processed baby milk - It contains lauric acid, which is present in human mother's milk.
- Coconut water is naturally sterile - Water permeates though the filtering husk.
- Coconut water is a universal donor - Its identical to human blood plasma.
- Coconut Water is a Natural Isotonic Beverage - The same level we have in our blood.
- Coconut water has saved lives in 3rd world countries thru Coconut IV.
"Coconut water is the very stuff of Nature, biologically Pure, full of Natural Sugars, Salts, and Vitamins to ward off fatigue and is the next wave of energy drinks BUT natural", according to Mortin Satin, Chielf of the United Nation's Food & Agriculture Organization.Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.
Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg.
Coconut water has 5mg of Natural Sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of Altered Sugars.
Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg.
Data is based on a 100ml drink
Home Remedies for Dandruff treatment and Dietaries
The main causes of dandruff are impairment of general health, development of a toxic condition mainly due to taking of wrong foods, constipation, and a low vitality due to infectious diseases.
Emotional tension, harsh shampoos, general exhaustion
Other factors contributing to this disorder are emotional tension, harsh shampoos, exposure to cold, and general exhaustion.
Home Remedies for Dandruff:
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Dandruff treatment using Fenugreek Seeds
The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be soaked overnight in water and ground into a fine paste in the morning. This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half an hour. The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) solution or shikakai.
Dandruff treatment using Lime
The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy. This not only leaves the hair glowing but also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.
Dandruff treatment using Green Gram Powder
A valuable prescription for removal of dandruff is the use of green gram powder. The hair should be washed twice a week with two tablespoons of this powder mixed with half a cup of curd.
Dandruff treatment using Beet
Beets have been found useful in dandruff. Both tops and roots should be boiled in water and this water should be massaged into the scalp with the finger tips every night. White beet is better for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Snake Gourd
The juice of snake gourd has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of dandruff. The juice should be rubbed over the scalp for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Other Remedies
Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept in the open for three days, or with a few drops of lime juice mixed with amla juice every night, before going to bed. Another measure which helps to counteract dandruff is to dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab this on to the hair with cotton wool inbetween shampooing. Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing also helps to disperse dandruff.
Dietaries for Dandruff
All-fruit diet with three meals a day of juicy fruits
Diet plays an important role in the treatment of dandruff. To begin with, the patient should resort to an all-fruit diet for about five days and take three meals a day of juicy fruits.
Avoid citrus fruits, bananas, tinned fruits
Citrus fruits, bananas, dried, stewed, or tinned fruits should not be taken.
Well-balanced diet
After the all-fruit diet, the patient can gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on raw foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Further short periods of an all-fruit diet for three days or so may be necessary at monthly intervals till the skin's condition improves.
Avoid strong tea/coffee, pickles, refined and processed foods and smoking
Meats, sugar, white flour, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, smoking and refined and processed foods should all be avoided.
Home Remedies to GAIN WEIGHT
Underweight is a condition in which the person does not have an ideal weight as per his height and sex. Infact, he weighs about 10% below the ideal weight. Sometimes, the problem of underweight is hereditary. But, there are other factors also that can be held responsible for causing underweight like metabolic disorders. Read on to check out more underweight information…
Underweight Symptoms:
1. Fatigue
2. Poor physical stamina
3. Low resistance to infection
Common Causes Of Underweight:
1. Insufficient calorie intake
2. Unhealthy eating habits like skipping meals, frequent fasting and lack of physical workout
3. Metabolic disorders
4. Presence of intestinal worms
5. Sexual disorders
6. Chronic diarrhea
7. Diabetes
8. Inadequate digestion
9. Heredity
Following are some Underweight cure home remedies. Read on for home remedy for gaining weight:
Muskmelon is considered valuable in the underweight home remedy treatment. Consume muskmelons thrice a day for about 40 days and see its wonderful effects.
To gain weight, adopt mango-milk diet for a month. Eat two medium sized ripe and sweet mangoes, followed by a glass of milk. Consume mangoes three times in a day. Mango acts as a rich source of sugar, but lacks the necessary proteins required by the body. On the other hand, milk is rich in proteins but deficient in fats. Thus, the deficiency of mango is made up by milk and vice versa.
For instant weight gain, you can go in for an exclusive milk diet, in which milk has to be taken after every 2 hours.
Soak 3 dry figs in water and consume it two times in a day.
Raisins act as a good remedy for increasing weight. Consume about thirty grams of raisins on a daily basis.
Partial or complete loss of hair on the scalp is common among men. It is less commonly found in women. Premature baldness is found in certain families. Thinning of the hair is often seen in older women, but complete baldness in the female is fortunately rare. Temporary baldness may occur following a fever or some prolonged illness. The hair usually returns after the patient has recovered from the illness.
Boil 1-cup mustard oil with 4 tablespoon henna leaves. Filter the mixture and put it in a bottle. Massage on the bald patches regularly.
Massage the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes after bathing it with water. This increases the blood circulation and strengthens the hair follicles in the scalp. A vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water is one of the most effective home remedies for the prevention and treatment of hair loss.
Another remedy for baldness that helps is Grind 1/2-lime seeds, and 1/2 black pepper, apply to bald patches regularly.
Prepare a mixture of apple cider vinegar and sage tea and then apply on the scalp to help hair grow
Rub the bald area with onions till it becomes red. Then apply honey on the bald area. It is very effective.
Mix 4 tbsp of yoghurt and 4 tbsp of camphor lotion. Apply it on the head; leave it to soak for 2-3 hours then wash off with lukewarm water. This is an effective home remedy for baldness.
Juice of coriander leaves is also very good for hair.
Massage the scalp with 1-teaspoon oil in which raw mangoes has been preserved for over one year. Repeat this frequently.
A shampoo can be prepared by mixing 100 g each of amla (Indian goose berry), reetha, and shikakai and boil in two liters of water till the liquid reduces to half. Use this shampoo for at least one month. Hair will become thick.
Massage the scalp and hair with coconut milk or Aloe Vera gel. Leave it for ½ hour, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat 3 times a week.
Prepare a solution by mixing equal amount of warm castor and almond oil and massage over scalp at least once a week.
A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice help the growth of hair if taken to the extent to half a litre a day
Make a paste by mixing two eggs, two tablespoons each of amla, reetha and shikakai powder. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. Repeat it for 3-4 times a week. This is also an effective home remedy for baldness.
Mix honey with egg yolk and massage on the scalp and hair. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then wash.
Massage almond oil on scalp 2-3 times a day, daily. This will stop further hair loss.
Prepare a hair pack by mixing amla (Indian goose berry) powder with one egg. Apply it to hair and wash after half an hour. Wash hair.
Prepare a paste of hot olive oil, honey, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder and apply it on the scalp before bath and keep for 15 minutes for baldness treatment.
Apply a mixture of Aloe Vera with herbal powder triphala to the hair for a period of three to six months. It will result in growth of new hair.
Take soaked fenugreek seeds (Dana methi), shikakai powder, reetha powder, amla powder, dried lemon or lime peels, and two eggs, and grind to make a paste. Massage this paste onto hair and scalp and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. This makes hair thick.
Grind fenugreek seeds with water and prepare a paste. Massage on the scalp after oiling the hair and leave it for one hour before washing. Repeat it every morning for a month.
A juice of alfalfa + fresh spinach or fresh coriander daily helps hair to grow fast.
Juice of carrot, lettuce, capsicum and fresh alfalfa remove copper deficiency, this is good remedy for gray hair and hair loss.
Prepare a paste by mixing 5 tbsp of curd, 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 2 tbsp of gram raw (chholia) powder. Apply it on the head. After an hour wash it off with shampoo.
Prepare a mixture of the powder of black pepper, onion and salt and apply it on the bald patches to prevent the infection of ringworms.
For baldness treatment, cut one lemon (or an orange for dry hair). Place in a pot with two cups water. Boil until half of solution remains. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Store in refrigerator. If it is sticky, add more water.
Take 10-15 leaves of the large Ber fruit. Burn them in mustard oil, make a paste and apply on hair for 1 hour and then wash it. This remedy prevents hair loss for almost everyone.
Another valuable remedy for hair loss is Amaranth. Its fresh leaf juice should be applied to the hair. It will help the growth of the hair and keep it soft.
The leaves of the margosa tree are also beneficial in the treatment of hair loss.
Alopecia Areata: Understanding and Coping with Hair Loss Wendy byThompson and Jerry Shapiro year 2000.
Beautiful Black Hair: Real Solutions to Real Problems--A Step by Step Instructional Guide by Shamboosie 2002
Cotran: Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed.,1999, W. B. Saunders Company
Noble: Textbook of Primary Care Medicine, 3rd ed., 2001, Mosby, Inc.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
H5N1 Bird Flue
The eight people in pakistan who became infected with the H5N1 bird flue strain probably got ill as a result of contact with poultry and some degree of human-to-human transmission.
Human-to-human transmission of H5N1 bird flu is extremely rare, but not unheard of.
What is H5N1?
H5N1 is a strain of the bird flu virus - the strain everybody is worried about because human beings have no immunity against it, it is very virulent (powerful and dangerous).
Scientists are afraid that the H5N1 bird flu virus strain will sooner or later transform and become easily human transmissible. This has not happened yet. It is still exceedingly difficult for birds to infect humans, and even harder for a human to infect another human.
It is thought that one of the ways H5N1 could mutate would be by infecting a person who is ill with the normal human flu virus. The bird flu virus would then have the chance to exchange genetic information with the human flu virus and acquire its ability to spread easily from human-to-human (become easily human transmissible). If this happened, we could be facing a serious, global flu pandemic.
To know more information please visit :
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Severe Psoriasis Increased Risk Of Death
Researchers in the US working on UK data found that severe psoriasis increased a person's risk of death by 50 per cent, whereas milder psoriasis posed no increased risk of death. The researchers suggested people with severe psoriasis die about 4 years earlier than people who do not have the inflammatory skin disease.
The results showed that, over the period of study:
1. The death rate of patients with severe psoriasis was nearly twice as high as for those without the disease (21.3 as opposed to 12 per 1,000 patients per year).
2. There was no overall effect of mild psoriasis on mortality.
3. Severe psoriasis appeared to increase risk of death by 50 per cent.
4. This risk persisted after adjusting for other known risk factors linked to mortality, such as smoking status, Body Mass Index (BMI), heart problems, AIDS, dementia, cancer, kidney disease, and many others.
5. It also persisted when the researchers excluded patients with inflammatory arthropathy (inflamed joints).
6. Male patients with severe psoriasis died on average 3.5 years before patients without the disease.
7. Female patients with severe psoriasis died on average 4.4 years before patients without the disease.
Dietaries for Chicken Pox
Raw fruit and vegetable juices and lemon juice
To begin with, the patient should be put on a juice diet for a few days. He should be given plenty of raw fruit and vegetable juices. Lemon juice is considered to be especially beneficial.
All-fruit diet and well-balanced diet
As the condition improves, the patient can be placed on an all-fruit diet for the next few days. Thereafter, he may be allowed to gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables.
Homeopathic Treatment for Chicken pox
Chicken pox can be prevented by giving your child two or three doses of Variolinum 200 or Malandrinum 200 on successive days. This is, indeed, a good idea if cases of chicken pox are seen in the neighbourhood or your child's school.
However, if your child has already contracted an infection of chicken pox, give him one of the below-given remedies whose symptoms closely match.
Aconite 30 : Sudden onset of acute symptoms accompanied by undue fear, causing anguish and restlessness. During fever, the child demands large quantities of cold water (like Dulcamara, Mercurius) and likes to be in open air.
Antimony tart 30 : Rashes more on genitals, anus and back, forming painful crusts. Constant drowsiness with an irresistible desire to sleep, a craving for apples and citrus fruits, a dislike for milk and a desire to be in cool, open air (like Aconite) are other pointers to this remedy.
Dulcamara 30 : Rashes, especially on the face, the scalp and the arms, without any fever. Scratching of the skin causes intense burning which is relieved by a warm bath but aggravated by a cold bath. Milky whiteness of urine is another feature of this medicine.
Kali mur 6 : Rashes and pustules having thick, white contents and converting into dry, white scales call for this remedy. The tongue has a grayish white coating.
Mercurius sol 30 : Rashes and pustules with intense itching and pain, worse at night from the warmth of bed. The discharge from pustules, the breath and profuse perspiration, all have an offensive smell. An important feature is acute thirst for large quantities of cold water (like Aconite, Dulcamara).
Rhus tox 30 : Rashes with much swelling, burning and itching causing excessive restlessness. Itching and burning are relieved by warm applications/bath. There is an aversion to open air.
Chicken Pox treatment using Carrot and Coriander
A soup prepared from carrots and coriander has been found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. About 100 gm of carrots and 60 gm of fresh coriander should be cut into small pieces and boiled for a while. The residue should be discarded. This soup should be taken once a day
Chicken Pox treatment using Vitamin E Oil and Honey
The use of vitamin E oil is valuable in chicken pox. This oil should be rubbed on the skin. It will have a healing effect. The marks left by chicken pox will fade away by this application.
Chicken Pox treatment using Honey
The use of honey as an external application has also proved valuable in chicken pox. The skin should be smeared with honey. It will help in the healing of the disease within three days.
Chicken Pox treatment using Baking Soda
Baking soda is a popular remedy to control the itching in chicken pox. Some baking soda should be put in a glass of water. The child should be sponged with this water, so that the soda dries on the skin. This will keep the child away from scratching the eruptions.
Chicken Pox treatment using Pea Water
Green pea water is another effective remedy for relieving irritation of the skin. The water in which fresh peas have been cooked can be used for this purpose.
Chicken Pox treatment using Oatmeal
A bath of oatmeal is considered a natural remedy for relieving the itch due to chicken pox. This bath is prepared by cooking two cups of oatmeal in two liters of water for fifteen minutes. This mixture is then put into a cloth bag, preferably cotton, and a string is tied tightly around the top. This bag is allowed to float in a tub of warm water, and swished around until the water becomes turbid. Precaution should be taken to ensure that the bag is not torn. The child with chicken pox can splash and play in the water, making sure that water goes over all the scalds, while the pouch of oatmeal can remain in the tub .
Chicken Pox treatment using Brown Vinegar
Home Remedies for Chicken Pox
Chicken Pox treatment using Brown Vinegar
The use of brown vinegar is one of the most important among the several home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. Half a cup of this vinegar should be added to a bath of warm water. This will relieve the irritation of the skin.
Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease, occurring usually in children. It usually affects children of three to four years of age. In most cases, the older the child, the more severe the attack.
Chicken Pox Symptoms
Low grade fever, a mild headache and weakness
Chicken pox usually begins with a low grade fever, a mild headache and a feeling of weakness.
Rash appears on the upper chest or back
A rash appears on the skin on the first day of the disease. This is in the form of tiny red spots on the skin, mostly on the upper back or chest. In more severe cases, a rash may appear on the face and lower extremities. The papules turn into blisters and finally become pustules and form scabs, which fall off. They come in successive crops, so that while some are drying, others are beginning to form. The skin clears after a few days and the child feels well again. The duration of this disease ranges from ten to twenty-one days but is usually between fourteen and seventeen days.
Causes of Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is caused by a virus
Serious condition such as Shingles or herpes zoster
Many researchers believe that the disease is closely related to a much more serious condition known as shingles or herpes zoster that affects adults.
Persistent wrong feeding of children
The basic cause of the disease, as in most cases of childhood fevers, is however, persistent wrong feeding of children, which results in diminished defence mechanisms of the body.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Miscarriage And Abortion Triple Chances Of Future Low Birthweight Babies
Women who have miscarried or had an abortion run three times the normal risk of having a subsequent low birthweight baby, suggests research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
The more miscarriages or abortions a woman has, the greater are her chances of giving birth to a child that is underweight or premature in the future, the research shows.
Low birthweight (under 2500 g) and premature birth (less than 37 weeks) are two of the major contributors to deaths among newborn babies and infants.
The authors used data from the United States Collaborative Perinatal Project, which was set up in 1959 to look at the associations between factors during pregnancy and birth and childhood development.
In total, more than 45,500 mother and child pairs were assessed. Nearly 40% of the mothers had one or two children and almost two thirds were between 20 and 29 years of age.
Rates of low birthweight and premature birth were highest among mothers who were black, young or old, poorly educated, and unmarried.
But there was a strong association between miscarriage and abortion and an early or underweight birth, even after adjusting for other influential factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure and heavy drinking.
Women who had had one, two, or three or more miscarriages or abortions in the past were almost three, five, and 9 times as likely to give birth to an underweight child as those without previous miscarriages or abortions.
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
Common Causes of Mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers
A mouth ulcer is a painful sore in the mouth. It appears on the tongue, the lips, and the gums or inside the cheeks. The first sign of the sore may be a tingling, burning sensation inside the mouth. They can occur either singly or in clusters. They are usually white or yellow in color, surrounded by red halos. Usually they heal within 7 to 10 days.
Common Causes of Mouth ulcers
1. Abrasions, cuts or bites to mouth or tongue
2. Lack of sleep (or poor sleep)
3. Sweets
4. Stress
5. Digestive disorder (intestinal)
6. Pineapple
7. Toothpaste with SLS
8. Orange juice
9. Bacteria
10. Burns or scalds to mouth
11. Generally run down
12. Tomatoes
13. Fizzy drinks
14. Fatty foods
15. Lack of Vitamin B
16. Sleeping with mouth open
17. Chocolate
18. Salad Cream
19. Hormonal cycle
20. Detergent (left on plates/cutlery etc)
21. Chewing gum
22. Zinc deficiency
23. Aluminium
24. After a cold
25. Onions
26. Peanuts
27. Red wine
28. Prelude to another illness
29. Eggs
30. Pollution/fumes
31. Citric acid
32. Giving up smoking
33. anti-inflammatory drugs
34. Acidic foods
35. Glandular fever
36. Genetic pre-disposition
37. Iron deficiency
38. Folic Acid deficiency
39. Herpes simplex
40. Drop In Immune System
41. Vitamin C deficiency
42. Wheat, rye or barley
43. Having a Brace or Dental treatment
44. sodium valproate
45. Throat infection that moved to mouth
46. Diaretics (Caffiene, Alcohol, Heat!)
47. Cohn’s Disease
48. Oral Sex
49. Bananas
50. Kiwi fruit
51. Spicy Foods (Curries)
52. Reaction to Antibiotics
53. marmite
54. Manual teeth brushing
55. Dirty fingers in mouth Smoking
56. Smoking
57. Intolerance to foods with yeast in
58. Nuts or seeds
59. Lack of Health (vitamin deficiency)
60. Yeast infection Candida
61. Sodium Benzoate (soft/fizzy drinks)
62. Coke - not just any fizzy drink
63. White wine
64. soy sauce
65. During a cold or flu
66. SALT
67. Chronic fatigue syndrome / ME
68. Biscuits and bread etc
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Sex and Chocolate boost brain Power
Enjoy dark chocolate, have plenty of sex, eat cold meats and fish for a breakfast and you could boost your brain power.
Cognitive psychologist terry Horne and biochemist Simon wootton – who co-authored “Tech Yourself: Training your Brain”—argue that lifestyle choices are crucial for keeping you in tip-tip mental condition.
“Lifestyle can boost your brain power”, Horne said, “What your lifestyle does is help to create the chemical conditions in your brain.”
Horne told Reuters in an interview to mark the books’ publication that the brain is more like a chemical factory than a computer.
“You can create the optimum conditions in your brain,” he said. “You are not a just a passive victim of your genes.”
The authors take issue with those who argue that a decline in cognitive ability is inevitable from the age of 17 onwards, with carefully lifestyle choices. “You can create spare cognitive ability is inevitable from the age of 17 onwards. With careful lifestyle choices “you can create spare cognitive capacity,” Horne said. They offer an intriguing list of do’s and don’ts and insist that people can be pro-active in keeping their brains agile. Much of it is pure common sense.
Stress is bad for your thinking. Avoid excess alcohol and smoking cannabis,” he said. Intriguingly, the authors also urge readers to avoid watching soap operas and Horne said “Don’t mix with whingeing, whining, moaning and cynical sorts of people”. And the book is full of practical tips on how to keep the brain firing on all cylinders. “Could meats and fish are good for your at breakfast,” horn said after writing the book which authors say is based on leading scientific research from around the world.
“Dark Chocolate is also good for you’re because it contains many of the chemicals present when your brain is thinking well. It relaxed the muscles around your blood vessels and actually improves the flow of blood to your brain.”
They then looked at reach into the seven stages of sex from the time you fist fancy it through to the after-glow.
“In four of the seven stages we see the same chemicals that help with the thinking process,” Horne said.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Diesel Traffic Pollution Harms Lung Function Of Asthmatics
Dr. Paul Cullinan, honorary consultant in respiratory medicine, Royal Brompton Hospital, and reader in respiratory epidemiology, Imperial College's National Heart and Lung Institute, both in England, and team's study is the first ever to asses the effects of diesel traffic pollution in a real-life setting.
There are 9 million diesel-driven vehicles in the United Kingdom, according to the Department of Transport - and the numbers are rising.
A diesel engine is known to generate over 100 times more particles than petrol (gasoline) engines - it is widely accepted that these particles pose a health hazard. The authors explain that nearly 90% of traffic-generated particulate in an urban environment is from diesel exhaust fumes.
In this study, the researchers looked at what effect a two-hour walk in two different London settings might have on 60 volunteers - they all suffered from mild to moderate asthma. One walk took place at the western end of Oxford Street, one of the busiest shopping streets in the country - only buses and taxis are allowed on this street, all of them diesel-powered. The second walk occurred in a traffic-free section of Hyde Park, central London.
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