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Tuesday, December 18, 2007



Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease, occurring usually in children. It usually affects children of three to four years of age. In most cases, the older the child, the more severe the attack.

Chicken Pox Symptoms

Low grade fever, a mild headache and weakness
Chicken pox usually begins with a low grade fever, a mild headache and a feeling of weakness.

Rash appears on the upper chest or back
A rash appears on the skin on the first day of the disease. This is in the form of tiny red spots on the skin, mostly on the upper back or chest. In more severe cases, a rash may appear on the face and lower extremities. The papules turn into blisters and finally become pustules and form scabs, which fall off. They come in successive crops, so that while some are drying, others are beginning to form. The skin clears after a few days and the child feels well again. The duration of this disease ranges from ten to twenty-one days but is usually between fourteen and seventeen days.

Causes of Chicken Pox


Chicken pox is caused by a virus

Serious condition such as Shingles or herpes zoster
Many researchers believe that the disease is closely related to a much more serious condition known as shingles or herpes zoster that affects adults.

Persistent wrong feeding of children

The basic cause of the disease, as in most cases of childhood fevers, is however, persistent wrong feeding of children, which results in diminished defence mechanisms of the body.

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