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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Homeopathic Treatment for Chicken pox

Homeopathic Treatment

Chicken pox can be prevented by giving your child two or three doses of Variolinum 200 or Malandrinum 200 on successive days. This is, indeed, a good idea if cases of chicken pox are seen in the neighbourhood or your child's school.

However, if your child has already contracted an infection of chicken pox, give him one of the below-given remedies whose symptoms closely match.

Aconite 30 : Sudden onset of acute symptoms accompanied by undue fear, causing anguish and restlessness. During fever, the child demands large quantities of cold water (like Dulcamara, Mercurius) and likes to be in open air.

Antimony tart 30 : Rashes more on genitals, anus and back, forming painful crusts. Constant drowsiness with an irresistible desire to sleep, a craving for apples and citrus fruits, a dislike for milk and a desire to be in cool, open air (like Aconite) are other pointers to this remedy.

Dulcamara 30 : Rashes, especially on the face, the scalp and the arms, without any fever. Scratching of the skin causes intense burning which is relieved by a warm bath but aggravated by a cold bath. Milky whiteness of urine is another feature of this medicine.

Kali mur 6 : Rashes and pustules having thick, white contents and converting into dry, white scales call for this remedy. The tongue has a grayish white coating.

Mercurius sol 30 : Rashes and pustules with intense itching and pain, worse at night from the warmth of bed. The discharge from pustules, the breath and profuse perspiration, all have an offensive smell. An important feature is acute thirst for large quantities of cold water (like Aconite, Dulcamara).

Rhus tox 30 : Rashes with much swelling, burning and itching causing excessive restlessness. Itching and burning are relieved by warm applications/bath. There is an aversion to open air.

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