Hair is cylinder of dead tissue. Damaged hair can never be fully restored to its original condition. The main factor in growth of the hair is the kind of cells that exit in the hair follicles from which the hair grows in the individual person. Each individual hair is also different in one individual .Hair- care products are intended to promote certain favorable conditions of hair and to reduce of eliminate properties of hair, which are regarded as undesirable.
Causes and symptoms:
Reasons for Hair LossBoth men and women lose hair for similar reasons. Hair loss in men is often more dramatic, and follows a specific pattern of loss which has been termed "Male Pattern Baldness". This loss is caused by dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Factors for male hair loss include: heredity, hormones, and aging. This may also apply to women but to a lesser degree. Women may experience loss of hair after menopause and 2-3 months after having a baby. Other contributing factors include: poor diet, poor circulation, acute illness, radiation, chemotherapy, high stress, thyroid imbalance, certain drugs, coming off the contraceptive pill, diabetes, high doses of vitamin A (more than 100,000 IU), sudden weight loss, high fever, iron deficiency, ringworm, some fungal infections, chemicals and hair dyes, vitamin deficiencies, and lack of proper nutrition.
Drastic or premature hair loss may be caused by:
1. Stress and bodily weakness from overwork.
2. Dietary imbalances or nutritional deficiency.
3. Using abrasive shampoos, hair lacquers, dyes and bleaching, etc.
4. Endocrine disorder.
5. Genetic factors.
6. Infectious diseases.
7. Hormonal metabolic changes in lactating women.
8. Nutrient and protein deficiencies in the hair cells.
The normal life span for each hair is from three to six years. Each hair grows in a hair cycle that can be divided into three stages: the growing stage (Anacin) lasting from two to six years, the partial degeneration stage (Catalan) lasting between 10 and 14 days, and finally the resting phase (Telogen) during which time the hair is shed and there is an involution of the hair follicles lasting about one hundred days.
Routine care of scalp and Hair:
It is very important to have day to day care given to hair and scalp to maintain its health and to increase its beauty. This routine includes brushing, combing, cutting, shampooing, massaging and application of hair dressing/lotion.
Brushing & Combing:
Importance of brushing and combing
Many sebaceous glands are distributed over the scalp. When the hair is brushed, sedum secreted from these glands spreads over the surface of the hair and makes it glossy and supple.
Brushing and combing temporarily affects the blood circulation of the scalp.
Care in selection and use of brush and comb
Well spaced bristles.
Easy Cleaning
Individual use to avoid spread of disease.
For long hairs brushing should begin at near the bottom of each strand and slowly reaching the top and then beginning from scalp and sweep down the entire strand of hair without encountering any tangle. Careful treatment of this nature excludes the breaking and tearing of hair.
When the hair is weakened and its attachment is less the normal, frequent and vigorous brushing may increase hair fall resulting in further damage. Under such condition gentle massage of the scalp could be done and daily vigorous brushing should be avoided.
Massage with Hair oil:Hair oils especially those containing herbs are one of very important in hair care. They should be used once every week and left overnight.
Oils penetrate into the surface of the scalp with nutrients. Any oil soluble active substances then get dissolved in fatty covering on the scalp skin when gently massaged. This also helps in increasing the blood circulation. These nutrients along with various vitamins are then transported into the deeper layers. From the blood capillaries are then transported into the deeper layers. From the blood capillaries are then transported to the cells involved in the syntheses of keratin (hair protein) and thus increasing the hair growth.
Primary objective is to clean hair and scalp of all foreign matters. The ideal shampoo should clean the scalp without producing irritation or causing excessive reduction of the natural oils, they should have pH less then 7(acidic)
Importance of pH for hair shampoos:
Dry hair has no pH. Only when the hairs are wet and in water they have acidic pH (between 4.5 to 5.5). Acidic products give astringent effect on the hair outer layer-cuticle.
Decreasing the evaporation of moisture and dissolution of proteins.Imparts natural shine to the hair.Increases elasticity.Decreases tangling.
After shampooing proper drying is necessary since the tensile strength of hair is at its lowest when it is wet. Brisk rubbing should be avoided. Idealy hair should be exposed to low heat such as sun or mild heat of drier.
After shampoo appropriate hair dressing lotion should be used to put the hair bark into condition with regards to manageability and luster.
After shampoo hair preparations(Hair dressing / Hair lotion)
A good antiseptic, conditioning and stimulating hair product is helpful in the maintenance of healthy scalp. The use of such preparation with ordinary scalp hygiene may help to clean the hair and scalp as bacteria free as possible and improves the appearance of hair.
Modern Day problems Associated with Hair and Scalp:
For most hair related problems, internal medicine plays important role then external application. In recent times hair & scalp have become target of many ailments. There are many problems that can be associated with hair & scalp due to:
1. Air and water pollution.
2. Use of shampoos and conditioners containing harsh chemical.
3. Use of common combs and brushes in establishment such as barbershops and beauty saloons. Problem associated with scalp arise due to lowering of the resistance may be because, frequent washing with the strong soaps and shampoos, excessive secretion of oil and sweat glands, over exposure to sunlight. There are three common diseases associated with scalp.
4. Seborrhea
5. Dandruff
6. Hair loss
It is an excessive secretion of sebaceous glands giving hair oily looks. This condition may also be related to the hormonal secretion of an individual. It is excellent medium for bacteria to grow the causing pathological conditions leading to dandruff and hair fall. The most important treat is the removal of excess fat and maintenance of clean scalp.
Dandruff:Cause of dandruff is still debatable. It may be due to :
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Male Hair Loss Solution
Following a balanced, nutritious diet is a core ayurvedic principle. Eating a mix of wholesome, natural foods promotes the growth and strength of health hair.
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