This disease does not affect the vision. Sometimes tiny pimples are developing in the eye. Styes are very common. So persons of all ages can develop a sty, and males and females are equally affected. This condition is seen more often in children than in adults.
There are two types of sties:
• external (on the outside of the eyelid) and
• Internal (on the underside of the eyelid).
Styes are seen as small bumps on the eyelids. Styes are usually harmless and will go away after several days on their own as your body fights the infection. A stye is caused by an infection in the sebaceous or sweat glands in the eyelid. This infection is usually caused by bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus. Styes are usually burst on their own and then heal within a few days. In order to prevent spreading or further infection, it is crucial that a stye be left to rupture on its own.
The common symptoms of styes are-
• Redness on the eyes
• slight pain and tenderness on the eyes
• Swelling of a certain area of eyes
• Tearing of the eye
• Discomfort when blinking
• Sensitivity to light
• Eye may feel gritty
• Burning in the eye
• Mucous discharge in the eye
The symptoms of a stye may resemble other conditions or medical problems. Always consult your child's physician for a diagnosis.
Drug therapy can be prescribed by your health care provider. Do not use any medicine without checking with your health care provider. Mostly, drug which we have to use are an antibiotic eye drops/ointment and, occasionally, an antibiotic taken by mouth. Carefully follow the directions prescribed by your health care provider.
Home remedies are also good for eye styes. So bathing the eye for 10 minutes several times a day. And use cotton wool soaked in warm water, may help the stye to come to a head, and the pus to discharge. Do not try to squeeze a stye, as it usually drains by itself. The best way to prevent eyes sties is simply to wash your hands regularly and avoiding touching your eyes. It's especially important for children, who may rub their eyes when tired or under stress.
Contact lenses should not be worn during infection or drainage of a stye. Your eye care provider may recommend replacing your contact lenses after the stye has healed to prevent recurrence or spread of the infection.
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