Measles, a highly infectious disease, is very common in childhood. It is so common at this stage of life that nearly all children in most parts of the world suffer form it.
Measles symptoms
Feverishness, cold, watering of the eyes
The first symptoms that appear for seven to fourteen days after exposure to the virus are feverishness, cold, watering of the eyes, and a dry cough. A rash appears on the skin four days after the onset of these symptoms. This rash, which consists of small rounded spots with reddened skin in between, initially appears on the sides of the face and the neck, and then gradually spreads allover the body, appearing last on the extremities. Initially pink in color, the spots grow darker as time passes.
Fever and diarrhea
Measles is usually accompanied by fever and diarrhea. In severe cases, high fever and delirium may occur. Complications which can arise from this disease include pneumonia, bronchitis, and abscesses in the ears. One serious but rare complication is inflammation of the brain.
Measles and the Symptoms:
First 2 to 3 days
· Very high fever (up to 105 degrees).
· Cold like symptom, including a runny nose: a dry cough: swollen glands: red, watery eyes, loss of appetite and aching muscles.
A day or two later
· Inside the mouth, painless small gray or white bumps, like grains of salt surrounded by red rings.
In another day
· Small red spots that first appear on the face and the neck. As they spread down the body, they join to form large blotches.
Measles causes
Measles is one of the most contagious diseases caused by a virus. This disease is easily transmitted in the early stages through the invisible droplets of moisture, which are discharged from a patient's nose or mouth when he coughs or sneezes.
Wrong feeding habits and unhygienic living conditions
The real causes of this disease, like other diseases of childhood, are however; wrong feeding habits and unhygienic living conditions.
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