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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Home remedies for Gastritis

Gastritis treatment using Coconut

Coconut water is an excellent remedy for gastritis. It gives the stomach the necessary rest and provides vitamins and minerals. The stomach is greatly helped in returning to a normal condition if nothing but coconut water is given during the first twenty-four hours.

Gastritis treatment using Rice

Rice gruel is another excellent remedy for acute cases of gastritis. One cup of rice gruel is recommended twice daily. In chronic cases where the flow of gastric juice is meagre, such foods as require prolonged vigorous mastication are beneficial as they induce a greater flow of gastric juice.

Gastritis treatment using Potato

Potato juice has been found valuable in relieving gastritis. The recommended dose is half a cup of the juice, two or three times daily, half an hour before meals.

Gastritis treatment using Marigold

The herb marigold is also considered beneficial in the treatment of gastritis. An infusion of the herb in doses of a tablespoon may be taken twice daily.

Gastritis Diet

Fasting, Water

The patient should undertake a fast for two of three days or more, depending on the severity of the condition. He should be given only warm water to drink during this period. This will give rest to the stomach and allow the toxic condition causing the inflammation to subside.

All-fruit diet

After the acute symptoms subside, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for the next three days and take juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches, and melons.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco, spices, meat, sweet, strong tea/coffee

The patient should avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, spices and condiments, meat, red pepper, sour foods, pickles, strong tea and coffee. He should also avoid sweet, pastries, rich cakes, and, aerated waters.

Have curd and cottage cheese

Curds and cottage cheese should be used freely. Too many different foods should not be mixed at the same meal. Meals should be taken at least two hours before going to bed at night. Eight to ten glasses of water should be taken daily but water should not be taken with meals as it dilutes the digestive juices and delays digestion. Above all, haste should be avoided while eating and meals should be served in a pleasing and relaxed atmosphere.

Well-balanced diet

He may, thereafter, gradually embark upon a balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Other Gastritis Treatment

Warm-water enema, dry-friction

From the commencement of the treatment, a warm-water enema should be used daily for about a week to cleanse the bowels.The patient should be given dry friction and a sponge daily.

Application of heat with a hot compress or hot water bottle

Application of heat with a hot compress or hot water bottle, twice a daily, either on an empty stomach or two hours after meals, will also be beneficial.

Avoid hard physical, mental work, worries.

The patient should not undertake any hard physical and mental work.He should avoid worries and mental tension.

Breathing exercises are essential

He should, however, undertake breathing and other light exercises like walking, swimming, and golf.

1. Pranayam
2. Uttanpada asan
3. Pawanmukta asan
4. Bhujanga asan
5. Shalabha asan
6. Vajra asan

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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