Here are a few time tested home remedies for bad breath, Indigestion, constipation, acidity and worms you can try for better health.
Bad Breath

.Chew fennel seeds ( saunf) or cardamom seeds ( illaichi) frequently to sweeten your breath.
.Use neem twigs as tooth paste.
.Eat plenty of curry patta leaves to improve digestion.
.Add a pinch of pepper powder and jeera (cumin) powder to a glass of buttermilk. Have after meals.
.Make paste of ginger and eat before meals with jaggery.
.Incase of gas, dissolve a little hing (asafoetida) in hot water. Apply on abdomen.
.Take pomegranate juice with roasted cumin seeds powder and jaggery.
.Take juice of Ginger with jaggery
.Take 1 –3 tsp of Trifala powder with warm water at bedtime. Trifala is the mixture of 3 fruits: Amla, Harada and Bahera.
.Ripe Bael fruit (stone apple) is an excellent laxative. It can be taken as a juice or eaten for 2 -3 months.
.Pulp from fruits of Amaltas ( Cassia fistula) are also well known laxative and can be taken by even children. Soak about 50gms of pulp overnight in water. Strain and take in morning with sugar.
.Take a hot glass of water with 1 teaspoon honey & juice of half a lemon first thing in the morning.
.Take a piece of jaggery (gur) every hour. Just keep in mouth and suck slowly till acidity subsides.
.Suck a piece of clove / laung after meals for 2 - 3 days.
.Juice of harad (Terminalia chebula) is effective in neutralizing acid in stomach.
.Have triphala powder with honey thrice a day. Drink coconut water 3 - 4 times a day.
.Make decoction of fruit cover of Pomegranate. Take ½ cup with honey three times a for 7 days
.Take 1 teaspoon of neem leaf powder twice daily with milk / hot water.
.Dry the ripe fruit bark of anar (pomegranate) fruit in shade and crush to fine powder. Take 1 teaspoon with water in evening and morning for 3 days.
.Taking half-teaspoon ground seeds of papaya with water for 3 to 4 days.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.
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