Wrinkles are delicate creases caused by thin, sagging skin. These are especially visible on the face, neck and hands. Wrinkles appear when the collagen and elastin present in the connective tissue of the skin is weakened or decrease in number. Skin that has suffered such damage appears thinner, loses fat content, elasticity and smoothness.
Symptoms for wrinkled skin
Some of the symptoms of wrinkled skin are -
Lined and creased skin
Sagging skin
Some of the symptoms of wrinkled skin are -
Lined and creased skin
Sagging skin
Areas that are more affected include sensitive skin near the eyes, lips and neck.
Though some creases are temporary, they may become deeper and more permanent due to ageing.
Wrinkles occur due to ageing process
Though wrinkles are a part and parcel of the ageing process, premature wrinkles are a cause of concern for many. Some of the common causes of wrinkles on skin are -
Over exposure to sun - The damage caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun is known as photo ageing.
Smoking :

Smoking hastens the ageing process. The large amount of free radicals produced by cigarette smoke is one of the biggest culprits for premature wrinkles. Free radicals can play havoc with the skin, damaging it to an alarming extent
Pollution -

Environmental factors such as exposure to air pollutants, dust, chemicals and harsh lights can cause wrinkles on skin over a period of time.
Repeated motions such as squinting can cause wrinkles around the eyes. These are referred to as "crow's feet". Smiling and frowning can also cause laugh lines around the mouth or frown lines on the forehead.
Drug use
Weight Loss -
Drug use
Weight Loss -

Loss of Vitamin E - Depletion of this important vitamin can cause the skin quality to deteriorate.
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