1. Ringworm treatment using Papaya

Another effective home remedy for ringworm is mustard seeds. A paste should be prepared from these seeds and applied externally over the ringworm patches after thoroughly washing the skin with sufficient hot water
3. Ringworm treatment using Butea Seeds (kamarkas)
The seeds of the herb butea are valuable in ringworm. The seeds should be ground to a paste and mixed with a little lime juice. This paste should be applied externally over the skin affected by ringworm
4. Ringworm treatment using Cassia Leaves
The leaves of the cassia tree are useful in irritation of the skin and in alleviating swellings and pains. The juice of these leaves or a paste made from them can be applied to ringworm patches with gratifying results
5. Ringworm treatment using Holy Basil (Tulasi)
The leaves of holy basil are also useful in ringworm. The juice of these leaves should be extracted and applied over ringworm patches
6. Ringworm treatment using Turmeric

Turmeric is very effective in the treatment of ringworm. The juice of raw turmeric should be applied externally to the parts of the skin affected by ringworm. Simultaneously, one teaspoon of turmeric juice mixed with an equal quantity of honey should be taken orally

Turmeric is very effective in the treatment of ringworm. The juice of raw turmeric should be applied externally to the parts of the skin affected by ringworm. Simultaneously, one teaspoon of turmeric juice mixed with an equal quantity of honey should be taken orally
7. Ringworm treatment using Raw Vegetable Juices

8.Warm-water enema, fresh air, drink plenty of water
A warm-water enema may be administered to cleanse the bowels during the all-fruit diet. The patient should get as much fresh air as possible. He should drink plenty of water and bathe twice daily. The skin, with the exception of the part affected with ringworm, should be vigorously rubbed with the palms of the hands before taking a bath.
9.Apply coconut oil, sunbathing and mudpack

Coconut oil may be applied to the parts with ringworm spots. It will help the skin to stay soft. Sunbathing is also beneficial and should be resorted to early in the morning, at the first light of dawn. A light mudpack applied over the areas of the ringworm is also helpful. The pack should be applied for half an hour, twice daily.
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