- Take the herbs cramp bark along with wild yam to relieve leg pains and to prevent miscarriages.
- The herb corn silk can help in easy labor and reduce bleeding after labor.
- Nutmeg tea helps the uterus to contract and lessens bleeding afterbirth.
- The herb thyme taken in a tea helps expel the placenta.
- Apply myrrh to the newborn's navel after the cord has been removed to prevent infection.
- The herbs pennyroyal and mistletoe may induce abortion by causing uterine contractions.
- The herbs red raspberry, false unicorn, and lobelia help to strengthen the uterus which will help shortening labor. Take them regularly during pregnancy.
- The herbs catnip and cayenne in capsules help to prevent morning sickness.
- The herbs bayberry and mistletoe help in stopping bleeding from the uterus.
- Take cod liver oil, iodine, and iron to prevent morning sickness, and birth defects in your infant.
- Take dandelion, kelp, and alfalfa to provide minerals and keep weight off the hips.
- Alcohol consumption is the leading cause of birth defects and mental retardation in newborns and should be avoided at all stages of pregnancy.
- Smoking during pregnancy robs the baby of oxygen and contributes to colic.
The diet must include whole, live foods. Herbs and other nutritional supplements may be used to enhance the diet. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, sprouts, butter (not margarine), dairy products (if they are tolerated), nuts, seeds, organically raised animal protein (to avoid the hormones and antibiotics used in producing commercial animals) and yogurt are the types of foods to be included in the diet. - Red raspberry acts as a uterine tonic, contains many vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron and B-Complex.
- Good natural source vitamins can also be used to prevent miscarriages and enhance the health of both mom and babe. Some that are considered to be essential are vitamin E, Zinc, Vitamin B6 and B-Complex.
Nobles, R., and Schiff, D., "Miscarriages of justice: a systems approach" (1996) 59 Modern Law Review 299
Poole, A., "Remedies in miscarriage of justice cases" 1998 Scottish Law Times 65
Christopher, John, School of Natural Healing, Christopher Publications
Gardner, Joy, Healing the Family, Bantam Books
Mervyn, Leonard, Thorson's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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