Saturday, November 1, 2008
Home Remedies for Children's headaches
* Is accompanied by a fever, vomiting, stiff neck, lethargy or confusion.
* Follows a head injury.
* Occurs in the morning, accompanied by nausea.
* Increases in severity over the course of a day or from one day to the next.
* Is suddenly brought on by a sneeze or cough.
* Interferes with school or other activities.
* Is restricted to one side of the head.
Before attempting any of these home remedies, however, read the ''Medical Alert'' above to determine if your child's headache might be the symptom of something more serious.
Turn to a proven painkiller. ''Simple analgesics such as acetaminophen [Children's Tylenol] are perfectly acceptable and effective for children's headaches, just as they are for adults','' says Dr. DiMario. Check the package directions for the correct dosage for your child's age and weight.
Apply a soothing compress. ''Some kids like warm cloths on their heads, others like cold cloths. You just need to experiment,' ' says William Womack, M.D., associate professor in the Department of Child Psychiatry at the University of Washington School of Medicine and codirector of the Stress Management Clinic of Children's Hospital and Medical Center, both in Seattle. ''Keep the compress on for about 30 minutes, rewetting it as necessary,'' he says.
Head for bed. ''Rest seems to be one of the most effective ways to reduce a migraine headache,'' says Dr. DiMario. ''Many school nurses allow kids with headaches to lie down for half an hour. Often that is all that's necessary. They don't necessarily have to go to sleep. Just a half-hour of lying quietly can help.'' If your child is very sensitive to bright light during a migraine episode, you should draw the shades so he can rest in a darkened room, adds Dr. Womack.
Rub away the ache. Like adults, kids with tension headaches can often find relief by reducing stress. ''If your child is stressed out, relaxing massage might help,'' says Alexander Mauskop, M.D., director of the New York Headache Center in New York City and assistant professor of neurology at the State University of New York Health Science Center.
''If the muscles around the scalp or temples are tender, gently rubbing them can be helpful,'' says Dr. DiMario. ''But some kids don't like it because the scalp is too tender to touch.'' If your child says stop, don't insist--but many children do like that soothing touch of a parent's fingertips.
Make meal-skipping a misdemeanor. Make sure your child doesn't skip meals, especially breakfast, which is the most important one, warns Dr. Mauskop. ''Going all day without eating is a good way to get a headache or aggravate one you already have,'' he says.
Watch that egg roll, hold that pizza. By paying attention to what your child eats and when he gets his headaches, you may be able to spot a link. ''In some susceptible children, headaches are triggered by certain things they eat, such as chocolate, peanuts, processed meat and aged cheese,'' says Dr. DiMario. ''Pizza and Chinese food, if they contain monosodium glutamate, can bring on headaches in some children.'' If you think you've uncovered a connection, have your child avoid the suspect food and see what happens.
Curb the caffeine. Like grown-ups deprived of their customary morning coffee, kids can suffer from withdrawal headaches when they don't get their daily ''fix'' of caffeine. ''Caffeine withdrawal headaches are common in children who drink cola and eat a lot of chocolate--both of which contain caffeine,'' says Dr. Mauskop. If your child is susceptible, you may need to strictly limit these items, offering them only as an occasional treat.
Chart those mood swings. Some kids' headaches have emotional rather than food triggers, says Kenneth Covelman, Ph.D., director of psychosocial services for the Pediatric Pain Management Program at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and clinical assistant professor of psychology in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, also in Philadelphia. ''By charting not just your child's headaches but also his moods and activities for several days or weeks, you can sometimes see a pattern. For example, headaches may occur just before tests in school, or after arguments,'' says Dr. Covelman.
Have a plan to defuse tensions. ''If you've identified an emotional trigger of your child's headaches,'' says Dr. Covelman, ''help him formulate a plan for dealing with it.'' Your child may feel a lot better if he has more control over situations, he suggests.
Don't rule out random events. If no dietary or emotional triggers emerge after a few weeks of charting your child's headaches, broaden the scope of your search, suggests Loraine Stern, M.D., associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of California, Los Angeles, and author of When Do I Call the Doctor? '' Write down what the weather was like, how much your child slept the night before his headache. . . every possible factor you can think of.
Reserve some time for fun. Many children who suffer from recurring headaches have fallen into the ''all work and no play'' trap, according to Dr. Womack. They need to schedule some fun.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Causes, Risk and Symptoms Factors of Autism
Children with autism often have extreme difficulty developing normal relationships with others. They tend not to share in the interests their peers have. In many cases these children are not able to interpret non-verbal cues of communication like facial expressions. Most people with autism have some impairment in language and many never speak at all.
About 8.7 of every 10,000 children are autistic, and more than 1 in 300 children have some form of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). PDD means that some, but not all, symptoms of autism are present.
Autism is a lifelong disease that ranges in severity from mild cases in which the autistic person can live independently, to severe forms in which the patient requires social support and medical supervision throughout his or her life.
Causes and Risk Factors of Autism
There are physical bases for autism's development including genetic, infectious, and traumatic factors. Viral infection including rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy, have been studied as possible causes of autism. Children with Fragile X syndrome or tuberous sclerosis have higher rates of autism than the general population.
Autism affects males four times more often than females, and there is a genetic basis for the disease.
Contrary to previous notions, autism is not caused by upbringing.
Symptoms of Autism
The symptoms vary greatly but follow a general pattern. Not all symptoms are present in all autistic children.
Autistic infants may act relatively normal during their first few months of life before becoming less responsive to their parents and other stimuli. They may have difficulty with feeding or toilet training; may not smile in recognition of their parents' faces, and may put up resistance to being cuddled.
As they enter toddlerhood, it becomes increasingly apparent that these children have a world of their own. They do not play with other children or toys in the normal manner, rather they remain aloof and prefer to play alone. Parents often mention that their child is so undemanding that he or she is “too good”.
Verbal and nonverbal communication skills, such as speech and facial expressions, develop peculiarly. Symptoms range from mutism to prolonged use of echoing or stilted language. When language is present, it is often concrete, unimaginative, and immature.
Another symptom of autism is an extreme resistance to change of any kind. Autistic children tend to want to maintain established behavior patterns and a set environment. They develop rituals in play, oppose change (such as moving furniture), and may become obsessed with one particular topic.
Other behavioral abnormalities that may be present are: staring at hands or flapping arms and hands, walking on tiptoe, rocking, tantrums, strange postures, unpredictable behavior and hyperactivity.
An autistic child has poor judgment and is therefore always at risk for danger. For instance, an autistic child may run into a busy street without any sign of fear.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Home Remedies for Backache

The most important home remedy for backache is the use of garlic. Two or three cloves should be taken every morning to get results. An oil prepared from garlic and rubbed on the back will give great relief. This oil is prepared by frying ten cloves of garlic in 60 ml of oil in a frying pan. Any of the oils which are used as rubefacients, such as mustard oil. sesame oil, and coconut oil can be used according to one's choice. They should be fried on a slow fire till they are brown. After the oil has cooled, it should be applied vigorously on the back, and allowed to remain there for three hours. The patient may, thereafter, take a warm-water bath. This treatment should be continued for at least fifteen days.
Backache treatment using Lemon
Lemon is another useful remedy for backache. The juice of one lemon should be mixed with common salt and taken by the patient twice daily. It will give relief.
Backache treatment using Chebulic Myroblan
The use of chebulic myroblan is beneficial in the treatment of backache. A small piece of this fruit should be eaten after meals. This will give quick relief.
Backache treatment using Vitamin C
Vitamin C has proved valuable in case of severe backaches. About 2,000 mg of this vitamin should be taken daily for treating this condition. Considerable improvement will be noticeable within two days.
Backache treatment using Potato
Raw potato is an ancient home remedy for backache, characterised by incapacitating pain in the lumbar region, especially in the lower part of the back. Application of raw potato in the fom of a poultice has been found very effective in this condition.
Dietaries for Backache
Salad of raw vegetables, plenty of fruits
The diet of those suffering from backache should consist of a salad of raw vegetables such as tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, radish, lettuce, and, at least two steamed or lightly cooked vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, spinach, and plenty of fruits, except bananas. The patient should have four meals daily. Fruit and milk are advised for breakfast, steamed vegetables and wholewheat chapatis for lunch; fresh fruit or fruit juice in the evening; and a bowl of raw salad and sprouts during dinner.
Avoid fatty, spicy fried foods and processed foods
The patient should avoid fatty, spicy, and fried foods; curd, sweetmeats and sugar; condiments; and tea and coffee. Foods that have been processed for preservation have few nutrients and should also be eliminated from the diet.
Other Backache treatments for back pains
Avoid smoking and tobacco intake
Smoking or taking tobacco in any from should be given up completely.
Hot fomentation and alternate sponging
Hot fomentation, alternate sponging, or application of heat to the back will also give immediate relief.
Yogic asanas are also useful
Yogic asanas which are beneficial in the treatment of backache are bhujangasana, shalabhasana, halasana, uttanpadasana and shavasana.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Causes and Symptoms of Backache or Back pain

Backache is one of the most common ailments prevalent today. Sedentary living habits, hazardous work patterns and psychological conditions associated with emotional stress, which bring about spasm of the muscles, cause backaches. As the back bears the weight of the entire body, overweight persons feel the strain on the back when they have to carry an extra load.
Symptoms of Backache or Back pain
Pain in the middle of back or lower down
In most cases of backache, the pain is usually felt either in the middle of the back or lower down. It may spread to both sides of the waist and the hips. In a condition of acute pain, the patient is unable to move and is bedridden.
People suffer from cervical and lumbar spondylosis
About ninety per cent of backache patients suffer from what is called cervical and lumbar spondylosis. It is a degenerative disorder in which the different vertebrae adhere to each other through bony unions. As a result of this, the spine loses its flexibility.
Causes of Backache
Muscular tension, straining of the joints, poor posture
The main causes of backache and spondylosis are muscular tension, straining of the joints, poor posture, and incorrect nutrition resulting from dietetic errors and lack of exercise.
Kidney or prostate problems, female disorders, influenza
Other causes include stress and strain resulting from sitting for a long time, improper lifting of weights, high heels, and emotional problems which may cause painful muscle cramping.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Home Remedy Treatments for Ingrown Toenails

Go soak your toe. To relieve the soreness, soak your foot in a basin of warm, not hot, water mixed with a tablespoon or two of Epsom salts. Soak your toe for five to ten minutes, once or twice a day.
Try a different solution. Some doctors recommend a product called Domeboro Astringent Solution, an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory soak that you can buy without a prescription at most drugstores. Dipping your feet in this solution for 20 to 30 minutes each night should help bring down inflammation so that the nail can grow out naturally.
Apply ointment. If the nail has already broken the skin (or is close to doing so), spread a topical antibiotic dressing, such as Neosporin, on the wound to prevent infection.
Don't play surgeon. You're not helping matters by performing bathroom surgery on your toe. You risk giving yourself an infection, since the implements in your medicine cabinet are probably chock full of bacteria and who knows what else. And if the nail has grown in deeply, your skin may already be infected. So see a podiatrist.
Go straight. No more curved toenails! When trimming your toenails, get in the habit of cutting them straight across. If the corners seem too sharp, it's okay to file them down a bit.
Don't cut too short. When you stand up, the weight of your body places pressure on your feet. That pressure pushes up the skin in front of the toenail. If you cut a nail too short, it may dig into the skin as it grows. Always trim a nail so it is flush with the front end of your toe.
Wear the right sock. White socks only, please, if the nail has cut into the skin. Dyes used in colored hosiery can run and may leak into the wound. This could cause further complications, especially if you are allergic or sensitive to dyes.
Step into a different shoe. An ingrown toenail may be nature's way of telling you to go shopping for new shoes that don't pinch your toes. If you're a woman, avoid high heels; try a lower heel (about one inch high) to relieve the pressure on your toes. Men and women alike should shop for shoes with a roomier toe.
Get some sandals, too. If the weather allows, wear open-toed sandals to give your ailing toe extra room and allow it to breathe. Put yourself in your toes' place: If you were sick, would you want to be cooped up all day in a dark, damp, hot room? Healing will be speedier in the open air.
Watch where you walk. While padding around in sandals is a great idea, open-air footwear isn't suited for all terrains. In particular, avoid wearing sandals in the city, where the sidewalks may be covered with bacteria that could enter your injured toe, or on uneven ground, where an open toe is more vulnerable to bumps and cuts. Wear sandals around your home, but choose shoes with closed toes for urban or cross-country excursions.
Guard your toes. Even while wearing shoes, accidents and mishaps can hurt your toes pretty badly. For instance, drop a bowling ball on your toe and you could lose the nail, which may grow back as an ingrown toenail. If your job poses any danger to your feet, or if you have a habit of dropping things, wear steel-toed shoes.
Don't stub. Stubbing your toe can produce injuries that cause the nail to thicken or grow inward.
Ignore old wives. There's an old wives' tale that says by cutting a V in the top center of the nail, pressure will be relieved. But doctors point out that nails grow from the base of the toe, so this folk treatment makes little sense. Some people with ingrown toenails swear by rubbing coal oil into the affected area, though there's no medical reason this therapy might help.
Pass on some pedicures. If you intend to have a pedicure, be sure the person who is performing it does not use metallic instruments to remove dead skin; pumice stones are okay. And make sure all of their tools are sterilized before being used on you.
Don't let an ingrown toenail get the best of you. Follow the home remedies and guidelines described above, and you'll be putting your best foot forward in no time.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.The service is provided as general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What is Ingrown Toenails?

Here's the good news: Treating ingrown toenails is easy and relatively painless. Now for the bad news: A simple nail infection, if not treated properly, can swiftly lead to further complications. When a sharp edge of a toenail grows into the skin folds at its edge, it results in pain and discomfort, especially if the wound gets infected. This article will offer some great home remedies for treating and preventing ingrown toenails, but first we need to add a few precautions.
If you have diabetes or any other condition that affects circulation, don't even think of trying to treat a nail infection yourself. In people with poor circulation, any foot wound or infection takes longer to heal. If not properly treated, an injury could worsen quickly and cause other complications; at worst, it could result in amputation. Reduced circulation also affects the foot's sensitivity to pain, which can delay detection of a minor injury. To complicate matters even more, people with diabetes often have nerve damage in the feet that further limits their ability to sense the pain caused by a worsening wound. So leave your foot doctoring -- and even your nail cutting, unless you have your doctor's okay -- to a trained health-care professional. But be sure to clean, dry, and examine your feet every day, and call the doctor at the first sign of a nail or foot problem.
If you do need to seek medical attention, a podiatrist can solve the problem with minor surgery that permanently narrows the nail. After applying a local anesthetic, the doctor removes part of the nail's side border, as well as some of the cells that line the base of the toenail (this area is known as the matrix). Removing these cells at the root of the nail eliminates the corner of the nail that burrows into the skin.
People without nerve or circulatory problems, however, can usually take care of an ingrown toenail themselves, if they follow the home remedies from experts.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Causes, Symptoms and Remedies Calcium Deficiency?
Causes of Calcium Deficiency
1. Inadequate intake of calcium rich foods
2. Defective absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestine
3. Other conditions like vitamin D deficiency, liver disease etc.
Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency
1. Brittle bones
2. Joint pains
3. Yellowing of teeth
4.In extreme cases, rickets (soft bones) in children and osteoporosis (brittle bones) in adults
Make these ingredients a part of your diet daily to chase away calcium deficiency.
1. Dairy products: Dairy products like milk, curds, paneer and buttermilk are the richest source of calcium.
2. Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables like spinach (palak), lettuce, celery (ajwain ka patta), fenugreek (methi) etc. are also good sources of calcium and hence should be consumed in abundance. Sai Bhaji a mixture of 3 green leafy vegetables is a very simple way to incorporate them in our diet.
3. Soyabeans: Soyabeans and its products like soya flour, soya milk, tofu etc. are valuable sources of calcium and protein. A quarter to half cup of soyabeans in any form is beneficial for those with calcium deficiency. A vegetable made with soyabeans in a gravy or chapatis made with soya flour are the most acceptable dishes both children and adults. Soya Mutter ki Subzi and Soya Upma are perfect examples of including soya in our daily meal.
4. Ragi (nachni): Ragi, a popular Maharashtrian cereal, is another rich source of calcium. A quarter cup of ragi, either whole or in the form of flour consumed daily helps to cure calcium deficiency. Try the calcium rich Nachni Pancakes to boost your calcium intake.
5. Sesame seeds (til): Consumption of 1 to 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds everyday is an effective way to keep calcium deficiency at bay. Try consuming it in salads or in the form of chikki as in the recipe of Almond Til Chikki.
Foods to be Avoided
Deep fried foodsRefined foods like refined flour, pasta, sugar and polished rice
Pointers for Increasing Calcium Intake
1. Include at least one source of calcium in every meal.
2. Have at least 100 to 125 grams of one leafy vegetable everyday, either cooked or uncooked.
3. Consume 2 to 3 glasses of milk in any form (like curds, paneer etc.) to supplement calcium in your diet. Overweight people can use low calorie milk products.
4.Restrict your consumption of fat, as excessive fat hinders with the absorption of calcium in our body.
5.Have a sunbath every morning, as early morning sunlight is good for the production of vitamin D which in turn helps in the synthesis of calcium in our body.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.The service is provided as general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What are the symptoms of measles

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Home Remedies For Arthritis

Vitamin C is a good home remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. Bog bean is another remedy. It works as an anti-inflammatory, eating this herb or taking the herb in a supplement form can help in combating arthritis.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Home Treatment hepatitis B
Home treatment is important for relieving symptoms and preventing the spread of hepatitis B virus (HBV).
While there is no specific medical treatment for short-term (acute) hepatitis B, there are some things you can do that may help you feel better while the illness is running its course.
Slow down
Reduce your activity level to match your energy level. You don't have to stay in bed, but listen to your body and slow down when you become tired.
Don't go to work or school unless your workload can be reduced to match your energy level.
Avoid strenuous exercise.
As you start to feel better, go back to your regular activities gradually. If you try to meet your regular pace too soon, you may get sick again.
Eat right
Even though food may not appeal to you, it is important to get adequate nutrition. For most people, nausea and loss of appetite become worse as the day goes on. Try eating a substantial (but not heavy) meal in the morning and lighter meals later in the day.
Health professionals used to recommend a high-calorie, protein-rich diet to people who have hepatitis. This is no longer believed to be of any benefit, and such foods can be hard to eat when you feel nauseated. Try to maintain a balanced diet while eating foods that appeal to you.
Avoid dehydration
It is important that you keep your body well-hydrated when you have hepatitis B, especially if you have been vomiting.
Drink plenty of water.
If you can tolerate them, fruit juices and broth are other good choices because they provide additional calories.
Many of the "sports drinks" available in grocery stores can help replace essential minerals that are lost during vomiting. You can also make your own rehydration drink.
Avoid alcohol and drugs
Hepatitis impairs your liver's ability to process drugs and alcohol. If you take drugs (prescription or illegal) or drink alcohol when you have hepatitis, their effects may be more powerful and may last longer. In addition, alcohol and some drugs can worsen liver damage.
If you are taking prescription medications, your health professional may instruct you to stop using them until your liver has had time to heal. Do not stop taking prescription medications unless your health professional has told you to do so.
Check with your health professional before taking any new medications or continuing the use of nonprescription medications, including herbal products and acetaminophen (such as Tylenol). Acetaminophen can worsen liver disease, especially if you continue to drink alcohol.
You should avoid alcohol until your health professional feels that your liver is completely healed. This may take as long as 3 to 4 months.
People with hepatitis sometimes develop itchy skin. You can control itching by keeping cool and out of the sun, wearing cotton clothing, or using nonprescription medications, such as Benadryl or Chlor-Trimeton. Talk to your health professional if you want to take nonprescription medications.
Be sure to follow the instructions for use that are provided with the product, and stop using the product if you have any side effects.
See your health professional regularly if you have chronic HBV infection
If you have been diagnosed with long-term (chronic) HBV infection, your health professional will recommend that you be vaccinated for hepatitis A if you have not been vaccinated or are not immune to this disease. For more information on hepatitis A, see the topic hepatitis A . You also will need to visit your health professional regularly. He or she will do blood tests to monitor your liver function and the activity of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) in your body. Some of the tests can tell your doctor whether HBV is actively multiplying in your liver, which increases your risk for chronic hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis can lead to liver disease such as cirrhosis or liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).
Can hepatitis B be prevented?
The hepatitis B vaccine is the best way to prevent infection. The vaccine is a series of three shots. Adults at risk and all babies, children, and teenagers should be vaccinated.
To avoid getting or spreading the virus to others:
Use a condom when you have sex.
Do not share needles.
Wear latex or plastic gloves if you have to touch blood.
Do not share toothbrushes or razors.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hepatitis Causes and Symptoms
Hepatitis B is a virus that infects the liver. Most adults who get hepatitis B have it for a short time and then get better. This is called acute hepatitis B.
You can have hepatitis B and not know it. You may not have symptoms. If you do, they can make you feel like you have the flu. But as long as you have the virus, you can spread it to others.
Sometimes the virus does not go away. This is called chronic hepatitis B. Over time, it can damage your liver. Babies and young children infected with the virus are more likely to get chronic hepatitis B.
What causes hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus. It is spread through contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected person. Hepatitis B is one of the most easily spread (contagious) forms of viral hepatitis, which includes hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. However, hepatitis has many other causes, including some medications, long-term alcohol use, fatty deposits in the liver, and exposure to certain industrial chemicals.
How HBV is spread?
HBV is spread when blood, semen, or vaginal fluids (including menstrual blood) from an infected person enter another person's body, usually in one of the following ways:
• Sexual contact:The hepatitis B virus can enter the body through a break in the lining of the rectum, vagina, urethra, or mouth. Sexual contact is the most important risk factor for the spread of HBV in North America.
• Sharing needles: People who share needles and other equipment (such as cotton, spoons, and water) used for injecting illegal drugs may inject HBV-infected blood into their veins.
• Work-related exposure: People who handle blood or instruments used to draw blood may become infected with the virus. Health care workers are at risk of becoming infected with the virus if they are accidentally stuck with a used needle or other sharp instrument infected with an infected person's blood, or if blood splashes onto an exposed surface, such as the eyes, mouth, or a cut in the skin.
• Childbirth. A newborn baby can get the virus from his or her mother during delivery when the baby comes in contact with the mother's body fluids in the birth canal (perinatal transmission) . However, breast-feeding does not transmit the virus from a woman with HBV to her child.
• Body piercing and tattoos. HBV can be spread when needles used for body piercing or tattooing is not properly cleaned (sterilized) and HBV-infected blood enters a person's skin.
• Toiletries:Grooming items such as razors and toothbrushes can spread HBV if they carry blood from a person who is infected with the virus.
In the past, blood transfusions were a common means of spreading HBV. Today, all donated blood in the United States is screened for the virus, so it is extremely unlikely that you could become infected with the virus from a blood transfusion.
Contagious and incubation periods
Symptoms appear an average of 60 to 90 days (although they can appear 45 to 180 days) after you have contact with the hepatitis B virus (incubation period). Blood, semen, and vaginal fluids (including menstrual blood), whether fresh or dried, are highly contagious (HBV can be easily spread) during this period and for several weeks after the onset of symptoms.
• Blood contains the highest quantities of the hepatitis B virus.
• Blood and other body fluids that contain the virus can remain contagious for at least a
week and possibly much longer, even if they are dried.
If you have a short-term HBV (acute) infection, you usually cannot spread the virus after antibodies against the surface antigen of HBV appear. This generally takes several weeks. If you have a long-term (chronic) HBV infection, you are able to spread the virus as long as the condition lasts.
A mother who has the virus can pass it to her baby during delivery. If you are pregnant and think you may have been exposed to hepatitis B, get tested. If you have the virus, your baby can get shots to help prevent the virus.
You cannot get hepatitis B from casual contact such as hugging, kissing, sneezing, coughing, or sharing food or drinks.
What are the symptoms?
Less than half of those with short-term (acute) hepatitis B infections have symptoms. Symptoms include:
• Jaundice (the skin and whites of the eyes appear yellow). Although jaundice is the defining sign of hepatitis B, it does not occur in most cases. Jaundice usually appears after other symptoms have started to go away.
• Extreme tiredness (fatigue).
• Mild fever.
• Headache.
• Loss of appetite.
• Nausea.
• Vomiting.
• Constant discomfort on the right side of the abdomen under the rib cage, where the liver is located. In most people, the discomfort is made worse when their bodies are jarred or if they overwork themselves.
• Diarrhea or constipation.
• Muscle aches.
• Joint pain.
• Skin rash.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis treatment using Vegetable Juices
Raw juices of certain vegetables, especially carrots and spinach, have been found valuable in conjunctivitis. The combined juices of these two vegetables have proved very effective. In this combination, 200 ml of spinach juice should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice. Raw parsley (prajmoda) juice-200 ml, mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice has also been found beneficial in the treatment of this disease.
Conjunctivitis treatment using Indian Gooseberry:
The juice of the Indian gooseberry, mixed with honey, is useful in conjunctivitis. A cup of this juice should be taken mixed with two teaspoons of honey twice daily in treating this condition.
Conjunctivitis treatment using Vitamins:
Vitamins A and B2 have proved useful in conjunctivitis. The patient should take liberal quantities of natural foods rich in these two vitamins. Foods rich in vitamin A are wholemilk, curds, butter, carrots, pumpkin, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, mangoes, and papaya. Foods rich in vitamin B2 are green leafy vegetables, milk, almonds, citrus fruits, bananas, and tomatoes.
Conjunctivitis treatment using Coriander
A decoction prepared with a handful of dried coriander in 60 ml of water is an excellent eye-wash in conjunctivitis. It is said to relieve burning and reduces pain and swelling. This decoction should, however, be sparingly used by persons suffering from bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.
Conjunctivitis diet:- Take fresh fruit diet, avoid bananas
The best way to commence treatment for conjunctivitis is to adopt an exclusive fresh fruit diet for a week. In this regimen, the three meals a day should consist of fresh, juicy seasonal fruits. Bananas should, however, not be taken. Those with acute conjunctivitis should undertake a juice fast for three or four days.
All-fruit diet followed by a restricted diet of chapatis, nuts etc
The short juice fast may be followed by an all-fruit diet for a further seven days. Thereafter, the patient may adopt a restricted diet, consisting of fresh fruits, raw mixed-vegetable salad, wholemeal bread or chapatis and steamed vegetables, and nuts.
Avoid starchy and sugary foods, refined cereals, strong tea ans coffee
The patient should avoid an excessive intake of starchy and sugary foods in the form of white bread, refined cereals, potatoes, puddings, sugar, jams, confectionery, meats, fatty foods, strong tea and coffee, too much salt, condiments, and sauces which cause a general catarrhal condition as well as conjunctivitis.
Other Conjunctivitis treatments:
Warm-water enema
Those taking a juice fast for the first three or four days of the treatment should take a warm-water enema daily during the fast.
Cold water fomentation of the eyes:
A cold water fomentation of the eyes provides almost immediate relief. The procedure is to fold a small hand towel, saturate it with cold water, squeeze out excess water and place the towel gently over both the eyes. It should be covered with a piece of warm cloth to retain the temperature. The process should be repeated as soon as the foment becomes warm. Fomentation should be done for an hour. The eyes should then be covered with a dry towel, and the patient should lie back and relax. The damaged eye tissues will quickly return to normal. This treatment should be repeated every night for a week, even though the problem may clear up with the first treatment itself.
Relaxing, strengthening of eyes by doing eye exercises:
The patient should also adopt various methods of relaxing and strengthening the eyes. These include moving the eyes gently up and down, from side to side and in a circle - clockwise and anticlockwise; rotating the neck in circles and semicircles; and briskly moving the shoulders clockwise and anticlockwise. Palming is highly beneficial in removing strain and relaxing the eyes and its surrounding tissues. The procedure is as follows: sit in a comfortable position and relax with your eyes closed. Cover the eyes with the palms, right palm over the right eye and the left over the left eye. Do not press on the eye balls. Then allow your elbows to drop to your knees, which should be fairly close together.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Conjunctivitis Symptoms and Causes
Pus formation
Causes of Conjunctivitis
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Home Remedies and Cures for Asthma
Asthma treatment using Honey

Honey is one of the most common home remedies for asthma. It is said that if a jug of honey is held under the nose of an asthma patient and he inhales the air that comes into contact with it, he starts breathing easier and deeper.
Asthma treatment using Figs

Asthma treatment using Lemon

Asthma treatment using Indian Gooseberry(Amla)
Asthma treatment using Bitter Gourd Roots
The roots of the bitter gourd plant have been used in folk medicine for asthma since ancient times. A teaspoon of the root paste, mixed with an equal amount of honey or juice of the tulsi leaves, given once every night for a month, acts as an excellent medicine for this disease.
Asthma treatment using Drumstick Leaves
A soup prepared from drumstick leaves, and taken once daily, has been found beneficial in the treatment of asthma. This soup is prepared by adding a handful of leaves to 180ml of water and boiling it for five minutes. After being allowed to cool, a little salt, pepper, and lime juice may be added to this soup.
Asthma treatment using Ginger

Asthma treatment using Garlic

Asthma treatment using Bishop's Weed
The herb bishop's weed has been found valuable in asthma. Half a teaspoon of bishop's weed should be mixed in a glass of buttermilk and taken twice daily. It is an effective remedy for relieving difficult expectoration caused by dried-up phlegm. A hot poultice of the seeds should be used for dry fomentation to the chest twice daily. The. patient can also inhale steam twice a day from boiling water mixed with ajwain. It will dilate the bronchial passages.
Asthma treatment using Safflower
Safflower seeds are beneficial in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Half a teaspoon of powder of the dry seeds, mixed with a tablespoon of honey, can be taken once or twice a day in treating this disease. This acts as an expectorant and reduces the spasms by liquefying the tenacious sputum. An infusion of five grams of flowers mixed with one tablespoon of honey, taken once daily, is also useful in this disease.
Diet for Asthma
carbohydrates, fats and proteins
The patient should avoid common dietetic errors. Ideally, his diet should contain a limited quantity of carbohydrates, fats and proteins which are 'acid-forming' foods, and a liberal quantity of alkali-forming foods consisting of fresh fruits, green vegetables, sprouted seeds, and grains. The patient should avoid foods which tend to produce phlegm, such as rice, sugar, lentils, and curds. He should also avoid fried and other difficult to-digest foods, strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, condiments pickles, sauces and all refined and processed foods.
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Main Causes of BRAIN damage are

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Main Causes of LIVER damage
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule."
Evening at 9 - 11pm: is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health.
Evening at 11pm - 1am : is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 1 - 3am : detoxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3 - 5am : detoxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.
Morning 5 - 7am : detoxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.
Morning 7 - 9am : absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time.Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am isvery beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 - 10am rather than no meal at all.
Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4:00 am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
Friday, May 23, 2008
How To removing unwanted hair from the body ?

Body Hair Removal Quick Tips vary according to the method of hair removal that you are selecting:
1. This is perhaps the most advance technique of hair removal which uses laser energy to inhibit hair follicles.Choose a reputed laser hair removal clinic and talk to the doctor about various issues such as whether your skin tone is suitable for the process, amount of discomfort involved, etc.
1. Avoid tanning the skin before a laser hair removal session.
2. You are allowed to shave off the body hair before laser hair removal as it is the hair follicle that is going to be treated and not the body hair. So unlike waxing you don't have to wait for the hair to grow a certain amount before you wax.
3. Mild discomfort may accompany the treatment and can be resolved by the use of a mild antiseptic lotion or gel.
4. The treatment requires a minimum of 2-3 sittings so schedule appointments in advance.
5. Ensure that you use a sunscreen of SPF 15 and higher after you have had laser hair removal.
6. Pay heed to the doctor's advice and instructions.
This method uses natural wax or that made from sugar for hair removal. The wax is applied on the skin and a strip over it. Then it is massaged on and removed in one quick motion.
Pre waxed strips make the whole process convenient and quick. These strips come with ready to use wax sandwiched between and only need to be applied on the area you want to remove hair from rubbed on properly and then pulled off. They make the whole process of waxing neat and not messy.For delicate areas such as the face use facial wax strips only.
1. If you are using wax that needs to be kept at a certain temperature ensure that it is warm enough. The warmth of the wax is conducive to body hair removal.
2. If the skin is red after waxing treating it with ice will reduce the discomfort.
3. Apply a mild topical antiseptic if the painful aspect of waxing puts you off.
4. After waxing apply a non-alcoholic toner preferably one with the healing powers of aloe vera or chamomile.
5. Do not wax on acne affected areas.
2. Use the razor in smooth and long strokes against the hair, this will reduce any cuts.
3. Afterwards wash the shaved area well and moisturise.
1. Test the depilatory on your skin a day in advance before use on the rest of the body to ensure that there is no reaction.
2. Wash well to remove all hair and the effect of the chemicals.
3. Moisturise the skin with a lotion that will keep the skin soft and supple.
4. The problem with depilatories is that the hair reappears soon, so have a fixed routine for hair removal.
1. Ensure that you make your appointments well in advance.
2. Check if the centre will provide the use of a topical aesthetic.
3. Read up on the entire process so that you know exactly what you are getting into.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Home Remedies for Food Poisoning/gastroenteritis

Food poisoning usually begins suddenly with a feeling of nausea and abdominal cramps, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness. Rectal burning may be intense, and the stools may contain blood and mucus. All of this loss of fluid from the bowel may result in severe dehydration and shock. There is pain in the abdomen, with some distension, especially in the lower area.
Germs cause the worst attacks of food poisoning. Foods used at picnics, in restaurants, and at home are easily contaminated by toxins or poisonous substances, produced by staphylococcus bacteria. Foods most commonly that cause food poisoning are various meats, fish, pastes, custards, cream filled pastry, milk, ad many different kinds of deserts.
The trouble seems to arise from skin infections on the hands of those who handle food. Within two or three hours after taking this type of contaminated food, the patient suffers from severe abdominal cramps, followed by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, often resulting in severe prostration and shock. Most of these attacks only last a few hours and are followed by complete recovery. Severe poisoning may be caused by different types of fish.
Don't leave food at room temperature for more than two hours, and avoid eating anything that you suspect may have been unrefrigerated for that long.
For food poisoning treatment drink a herbal tea of mint, raspberry, chamomile and blackberry.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Alcoholism Causes and Treatment

Alcoholics have a puffy face with bloodshot eyes, hoarse voice and a rapid pulse. They are suspicious, irritable and over-emotional.
Causes of Alcoholism
Alcoholism Treatment
Alcoholism treatment using Grapes

Apples are another effective remedy for alcoholism.A generous intake of apples helps remove intoxication and reduces the craving for wines and other intoxicating liquors.
Diet for alcoholism recovery
Other Suggestions and herbal treatments for alcoholism
Avoid smoking
Monday, May 12, 2008
Conception Problems
Some "trying" couples are infertile because of physical problems. But most couples are simply "underfertile" --they are physically able to conceive but have to nudge the stork just a bit more than usual. Here's what experts recommend for them.
Take cough syrup. "Before we had high-tech measures, a lot of doctors would recommend that women take cough syrup containing guaifenesin about four times a day around the time of ovulation," according to Arthur L. Wisot, M.D., a fertility specialist who is affiliated with the Center for Advanced Reproductive Care in Redondo Beach, California. "And that's still sound advice, because guaifenesin thins the cervical mucus, making it easier for sperm to swim through to meet the egg."
Don't lubricate with commercial products. When intercourse needs a helping hand, couples sometimes use a commercial lubricant like K-Y Jelly. But that can hurt your chances of conceiving. That's because these products can impair sperm, making them less able to reach the egg, says John Willems, M.D., associate clinical professor of obstetrics/gynecolo gy at the University of California, San Diego, and a researcher at the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in LaJolla. "A woman's natural lubricants should be all you need."
But egg white may help. If you need a lubricant during intercourse, try using egg white instead of a pharmaceutical lubricant, suggests Andrew Toledo, M.D., a fertility specialist and reproductive endocrinologist who is assistant clinical professor of medicine in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Emory University in Atlanta. Because the egg white lubricant is pure protein--as are sperm--it makes a better "carrier" than lubricants made from nonprotein substances.
If dryness is a problem, Dr. Toledo recommends using the egg white lubricant during the days when a woman is fertile and a regular lubricant the rest of the time. But don't use egg white if you're allergic to it, and be sure to separate the white from the yolk before applying it to either the penis or the vagina.
Take more vitamin C. Studies by researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston show that large doses of vitamin C can reverse some cases of male infertility. The team there, headed by Earl B. Dawson, Ph.D., reported that men who increased their vitamin C intake to 1,000 milligrams daily (the Recommended Dietary Allowance is 60 milligrams) showed increased sperm count, motility and longevity.
Stub out cigarettes. Smokers' alert: Women who smoke have more difficulty getting pregnant, according to studies by researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. "But we don't yet understand the biological reason why," says Allen Wilcox, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the Epidemiology Branch at the institute. So if you smoke, you may better your chances of conception by giving it up.
Practice clean living. Smoking isn't the only vice that hurts your chances of conceiving. Studies at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences showed that women who drink just one cup of coffee daily may halve their chances of becoming pregnant each menstrual cycle (compared with those who don't get any caffeine). "Cutting out caffeine seems to help some women, but not others. It may be worth a try," says Dr. Wilcox.
And there are other factors to consider as well. "You need to get your act together--don' t use drugs, stop drinking, and avoid all unnecessary medications, " says Dr. Wisot. To add to their healthy lifestyle, he also recommends that women start taking prenatal vitamins.
Wear boxer shorts. For some men, fashionable underwear styles may be the shortcut to fatherhood. Tight-fitting jockey shorts pull the testicles close to the body, and body heat impairs sperm, according to Dr. Wisot. He recommends wearing looser-fitting boxer shorts.
Don't soak in a hot tub, guys. High-temperature water can also lower sperm count and motility, says Dr. Wisot, so the man who wants to be Dad should stay away from hot tubs.
Go missionary. Although sexual position usually has no bearing on conception, "the missionary position assures better contact of the semen with the cervix--and may make the difference in marginal cases," says Dr. Wisot.
Keep a calendar. Most fertility specialists say that you and your partner should try to conceive for at least one year before assuming you have a conception problem.
"Generally, if a woman has an average 28-day cycle, she will begin ovulating on the 14th day," says Dr. Wisot. "If she's on an irregular cycle, ovulation usually occurs 14 days before her next expected menstrual cycle." Keeping track on a calendar for a few months is a good way to see your pattern.
Get help from a kit. "There are several ovulation kits that you can buy over the counter that help tell a woman when she's ovulating," adds Dr. Wisot. "Starting on the 16th or 17th day before your period, you should test your urine each evening with these kits. When you get a positive test, have intercourse the next day."
Go for the gold the second time around. Probably the biggest mistake couples make is assuming that a man's first ejaculation is his best. Actually, a woman is more likely to get pregnant when a man ejaculates two days before she starts ovulation and then they wait until she is ovulating before they try to conceive. "Usually that second specimen is better, both in sperm count and motility," says Dr. Wisot.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.