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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Symptoms and Causes of WRINKLES

Wrinkles are delicate creases caused by thin, sagging skin. These are especially visible on the face, neck and hands. Wrinkles appear when the collagen and elastin present in the connective tissue of the skin is weakened or decrease in number. Skin that has suffered such damage appears thinner, loses fat content, elasticity and smoothness.

Symptoms for wrinkled skin

Some of the symptoms of wrinkled skin are -

Lined and creased skin
Sagging skin

Areas that are more affected include sensitive skin near the eyes, lips and neck.

Though some creases are temporary, they may become deeper and more permanent due to ageing.

Wrinkles occur due to ageing process

Though wrinkles are a part and parcel of the ageing process, premature wrinkles are a cause of concern for many. Some of the common causes of wrinkles on skin are -

Over exposure to sun - The damage caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun is known as photo ageing.

Smoking :.
Smoking hastens the ageing process. The large amount of free radicals produced by cigarette smoke is one of the biggest culprits for premature wrinkles. Free radicals can play havoc with the skin, damaging it to an alarming extent

Pollution -
Environmental factors such as exposure to air pollutants, dust, chemicals and harsh lights can cause wrinkles on skin over a period of time.

Repeated motions such as squinting can cause wrinkles around the eyes. These are referred to as "crow's feet". Smiling and frowning can also cause laugh lines around the mouth or frown lines on the forehead.

Drug use

Weight Loss -

Rapid weight loss can cause wrinkles as the volume of the fat cells (which have a cushioning effect) are drastically reduced. This causes the skin to sag and crease.

Loss of Vitamin E - Depletion of this important vitamin can cause the skin quality to deteriorate.

Home remedies for common Fever

Some general remedies that are beneficial in fever are:

  • Mild sweating: this helps to digest the toxins. Lie on a bed covered with a blanket, for 15 to 20 minutes. Drinking a hot liquid also helps.
  • Take 10 grams (one-tablespoon) raisins and 10 grams (one tablespoon) fresh ginger. Crush and put in 200-ml. water for one hour. Boil this decoction till the water reduces to 50 ml. Strain and drink while warm.Dosage: This preparation can be taken twice a day.

Holy Basil:

One of the effective home remedies for common fever is the holy basil. Make a potion using about twelve grams of these holy basil leaves, boiling them in half a liter of water. This should be given twice daily with half a cup of milk, one teaspoon of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of powdered cardamom to the diseased. This will help in bringing down the temperature.

Fenugreek Seeds:
Drink tea made from fenugreek seeds twice daily. It is very beneficial as a cleansing and soothing drink. It is specifically helpful in dissolving mucus.

Another useful home treatment is tea made from saffron. Prepare this tea by putting half a teaspoon of saffron in 30 ml of boiling water. Give a tsp of this tea to the patient every hour till the temperature returns to normal.


The extract from raisins is quite helpful in the treatment of common fever. Prepare this extract by soaking twenty-five raisins in half a cup of water and crushing them in the same water. Strain the potion and discard the skin. The raisin water thus prepared becomes a tonic. Adding half a teaspoon of limejuice to the extract for enhancing its usefulness. Take this twice daily.

A cup of fresh juice of apricots mixed with one teaspoon of glucose or honey is quite good for fevers. It quenches the thirst and eliminates the waste products from the body. It also supplies vitamins and minerals to the body. Thus, it helps in toning up the eyes, stomach, liver, heart, and nerves.

The juice of grapefruit is valuable in all fevers. Helpful in quenching thirst, it also removes the burning sensation produced by the fever. Half a glass of grapefruit juice should be taken with half a glass of water.

Another ideal food in all types of fever is orange. It provides energy, increases urinary output, and promotes body resistance against infections. It is especially effective when the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Common fever Symptoms and Causes

When your forehead feels hot enough to fry an egg, your body is shaking like Jell-O and your teeth are chattering it's hard to believe that fever is your friend.

But it is a fever isn't a disease. It's a symptom of an infection, typically caused by a cold or the flu. When you have a cold, for instance, your immune system signals to your brain that it needs more body heat in order to attack infectious cells, and your body temperature rises.


following are the signs that indicate the presence of this ailment:
  • High temperature

  • Headache

  • Muscle ache

  • Burning eyes

  • Loss of appetite

  • Coated tongue

  • Excessive production of saliva

  • Feeling of heaviness and nausea

Fever can occur as a result of infection, because of external injury, insect bite or poisoning. It must be kept in mind that fever can also be a symptom of many conditions, like bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis, jaundice, malaria, measles or influenza.

Home Remedies for Teeth whitening

Tooth whitening can have fantastic affects on your appearance, as well as giving your self-esteem a big boost. Tooth whitening is safe, convenient, and can change the overall appearance of your smile in a matter of hours.

Some teeth seem to be defective from the start owing to hereditary factors. A clean mouth contributes toward an attractive personality and a happy disposition. An unsanitary mouth usually arises from years of neglect.


  • Take some foil and fold it to form to your teeth. Take a little toothpaste and baking soda and mix together really well. Put some of the mixture into the foil and place on your teeth. Leave on for one-hour everyday. Brush teeth normally afterwards. This is an effective home remedy for teeth whitening.
  • Brush your teeth with wood ash. It is good teeth whitener.
  • Mash some strawberries in a bowl and use this to brush your teeth, just as you use toothpaste. It whitens really well.

  • Every time you brush, add baking soda to your toothpaste. Within 14 days your teeth will become visibly whiter.
  • Good nutritious diet is very effective in maintaining the dental health. Eating fresh crunchy veggies and fruits such as: carrots, broccoli, celery, apples, strawberries, and cucumbers can help whiten your teeth.
  • Each time after brushing your teeth just gargle with a small capsule of peroxide, concentrating it on your teeth (don't swallow), and rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Another home remedy for teeth whitening is - Take your wet toothbrush, put baking soda on it, then put a dab of lemon juice on it (the baking soda will begin to fizz) brush your teeth with it. Rinse with water
  • Rub the inside of an orange peel on the teeth.
  • Prepare a paste by adding equal parts lemon juice and salt and apply to yellowing spots.
  • Make a paste by grinding dried bay leaves and dried orange peels and adding a little water. Use as a teeth whitener.
  • Rubbing the bark of walnut tree brightens the teeth.
  • For tooth whitening, brush your teeth properly and eat the right food to keep your teeth healthy.
  • It is also wise to note that eating sweet snacks between meals affect teeth more than eating sweet snacks with meals.
  • Brush your outer and inner surfaces at 45-degree angle. On chewing surfaces, hold the brush flat and brush back and forth. On inside surfaces of front teeth, tilt brush vertically and use gentle up and won strokes with toe of the brush.
  • Do not brush after every meal. It will affect the enamel.
  • Avoid sticky sweets like toffee or hard candies like mints. Try to rinse your mouth quickly after you drink anything with strong color such as coffee and red wine.
  • Chew a piece of sugarless gum after you’ve had your coffee or tea. This is also an effective home remedy for teeth whitening.

  • Avoid smoking.

  • Teeth should be properly brushed at least twice a day to maintain good dental health.
  • Brushing should be done in the direction in which they are growing; the upper teeth should be brushed downward, and the lower teeth should be brushed from below, upward.
  • Use a sweeping motion, being sure that the bristles reach the crevices between the teeth, thus helping to remove any food particles that may have lodged there.

  • Add a drop of clove oil to the toothpaste and brush.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Home remedies for glowing complextiong of dry skin and Combination Skin

For dry skin

Mash half a ripe banana, add a teaspoon of honey and make a paste. Apply on your face. Once it dries, wash with cold water and pat dry. This acts as a moisturizer and helps in tighten your skin.

Soak poppy seeds overnight. Grind it with just enough milk to make a paste. Apply on your face. Once it dries, wash with cold water. The natural oil present in Soak poppy seeds helps to moisturize your skin.

Just before boiling milk, remove two tablespoons. Massage it lightly on your face in an upward motion. Leave to dry, then wash with water and pat dry. This helps to keep your skin supple.

Variation: Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the raw milk and follow the same process. However, avoid doing this if you have pimples on your face.

Make a paste of 2-5 tablespoons of raw peanuts with milk. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Apply on your face leave to dry. Then wash with cold water and pat dry. The natural oils present in the peanuts help moisturize your skin.

Make a paste of one teaspoon of malai, a pinch of turmeric and four to five drops of olive oil. Apply on your face, leave to dry. Wash with cold water and pat dry. Malai acts as a natural moisturizer and turmeric and olive oil helps rejuvenate your skin.

Combination skin

Mix 3-4 tablespoons of Fuller's Earth with 8-10 ground mint leaves. Freeze the pack overnight. Keep outside for 10-15 minutes and then apply on your face. After 10-15 minutes, wash off and pat dry. It helps in cooling and cleansing your skin.

Boil a handful of lemon grass leaves in one liter of water, until you get the aroma. Then, place in an ice tray and freeze. After returning home from work or an outing, rub a lemon grass ice cube all over your face. It cleanses the dirt and grime accumulated in your skin's pores and shuts them.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.


Normal skin

Extract the juice of half an orange or tomato, mix with two teaspoons of curd. Lightly massage onto your face in an upward direction. Let it dry. Then, wash your face with cold water and wipe dry. This will give your skin a nice glow.

Rub the inner part of the skin of a papaya on your face. Let it dry. Then, wash your face with cold water and wipe dry. This will give your skin a nice glow.

Whenever you cut a papaya to eat, save a small portion of the peel for this purpose. You can store the peel in an airtight container for about two days in the fridge; however, it is preferable to use it fresh.

Grind 50 grams (around half a cup) of cabbage and extract the juice. Apply this on your face. After it dries, wash with cool water and wipe dry. This helps tighten your skin and prevents wrinkles.

Grind one small carrot and squeeze the pulp to remove the juice. Apply the juice on your face and let it dry. Then, wash with cold water and wipe your face dry. This helps to rejuvenate your skin.

Whenever eating an apple, do not discard the skin. Use it as a skin cleanser. Just rub the inner side of the peel in an upward direction and let your face dry. Then, wash with cool water and pat dry. This helps tighten your skin.

Take an ice cube and rub on your face. Then, pat dry. This helps to improve blood circulation and keeps your skin healthy.

Variation: Boil some lemon grass in a small container of water and cool. Pour it in the ice tray and freeze. Later, rub the ice cube on your face.

Beat the white of one egg and apply on your face in an upward direction. Once it dries, wash with cold water. It helps tighten your skin and delays wrinkles.

Oily skin

Make a paste of 2 tbsp of wheat flour using as much water as needed. Apply on your face in an upward motion Leave to dry. Then, wash with cool water and pat dry. This helps remove excess oil from your skin.

Mix two teaspoons of raw milk, around the same quantity of cucumber juice and few drops of lemon. With a cotton ball, apply the solution on your face and leave to dry. Then, wash with water and pat dry.

Soak two to three teaspoons of fenugreek seeds overnight. Grind into a paste, and then rub on your face. Once it dries, wash with cool water. The granular effect helps remove blackheads. Fenugreek also helps remove excess oil from your skin.

The excess paste can be stored in the refrigerator but should be used within a week.

Soak two to three teaspoons of whole red gram overnight. Grind into a paste and apply on your face. Once it dries, wash your face with cold water and pat dry. It gives the same effect as fenugreek.

The excess paste can be stored in the refrigerator but should be used within two days.

Grind half a cucumber and squeeze to remove the juice. Apply the juice on your face and leave to dry. Then wash with water and pat dry.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Bird Flue/H5N1 Symptoms and Treatment

Avian influenza is flu infection in birds. The disease is of concern to humans, who have no immunity against it. The virus that causes this infection in birds can mutate (change) to easily infect humans. Such mutation can start a deadly worldwide epidemic.


Symptoms of avian flu infection in humans depend on the particular strain of virus. In case of the H5N1 virus, infection in humans causes more classic flu-like symptoms, which might include:

  • Cough (dry or productive)
  • Sore throat
  • Fever greater than 100.4°F (38°C)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Malaise
  • Muscle aches


Different types of avian flu virus may cause different symptoms. Therefore, treatment may vary.

In general, treatment with the antiviral medication oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) may make the disease less severe -- if you start taking the medicine within 48 hours after your symptoms start.

Oseltamivir may also be prescribed for persons who live in the same house as those diagnosed with avian flu.

The virus that causes human avian flu appears to be resistant to the antiviral medicines amantadine and rimantadine. Therefore these medications cannot be used if an H5N1 outbreak occurs.

People with severe infection may need to be placed on a breathing machine. Experts recommend that persons diagnosed with avian flu be put in isolation.

Doctors recommend that people get an influenza (flu) shot to reduce the chance of an avian flu virus mixing with a human flu virus, which would create a new virus that may easily spread.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a vaccine to protect humans from the avian flu. Experts say the vaccine could be used if the current H5N1 virus starts spreading between people.




Lie down on the floor. Bend that knee and place your foot in front of your bottom leg, then try to raise the bottom leg up about six inches. Then lower the leg to the floor. Begin with 8 to 10 bottom-leg raises on each side at least three times a week. Slowly increase the workout.

  • Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor; hands either by your sides or in your lap, then swing both legs up so that they're extended straight out in front of you at seat level.
  • Put your hands down at your sides to hold on to your chair and swing your legs up until they're fully extended. Then lift each leg, from foot to hip, about three to six inches.
  • To firm your bottom, lie facedown on the floor, arms out at your shoulders, elbows bent and palms flat on the floor. Now lift one leg, heel first, off the floor about three to six inches, then lower it back to the floor and repeat the lift with your other leg.
  • For stretch marks treatment, diet should be rich in protein and foods rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E, they promote good tissue growth.

  • Massaging your body with olive oil or Vitamin E may help.

  • Prepare a mixture by adding one ounce of carrier oil (try avocado, sweet almond, jojoba, they are the best) with seven drops of lavender and five drops of chamomile. Apply on the affected areas.

  • Apply cocoa butter and/ or elastin cream through out the body. These are very good for stretch marks.

  • Take 1/2-cup virgin olive oil, 1/4-cup aloe Vera gel, liquid from 6 capsules of Vitamin E, liquid from 4 capsules of Vitamin A. Mix all the ingredients together in a blender. After that store the mixture in the fridge. Apply the oil externally all over the places where the stretch marks commonly appear (abdomen, hips, thighs and breasts). This is an effective home remedy for and by using this continuously stretch marks can be prevented.
  • Mix in a blender 1/2-cup virgin olive oil, 1/2-cup aloe Vera gel and six capsules vitamin E oil (opened). Keep this oil refrigerated and massage into areas with stretch marks at least once a day. This is also an effective home remedy for stretch marks.
  • Lift weights to tighten the surrounding skin. The stretch marks will appear smoother.
  • For stretch marks removal apply cocoa butter stretch creams in the morning and at night to get rid of stretch marks. It works in some cases and not in all.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Headache/Migraine cures and remedies

Natural Headache Cure using Lemon:

There are several natural remedies for various types or headaches. The juice of three or four slices of lemon should be squeezed in a cup of tea and taken by the patient for treating this condition. It gives immediate relief. The crust of lemon, which is generally thrown away, has been found useful in headaches caused by heat. Lemon crusts should be pounded into a fine paste in a mortar and applied as plaster on the forehead. Applying the yellow, freshly pared-off rind of a lemon to each temple will also give relief.

Cure Headaches naturally using Apple

Apples are valuable in curing all types of headaches. After removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion of a ripe apple, it should be taken with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for about a week.

Natural Headache remedy using Henna
The flowers of henna have been found valuable in curing headaches caused by hot sun. The flowers should be rubbed in vinegar and applied over the forehead. This remedy will soon provide relief.

Headache remedy using Cinnamon

Cinnamon is useful in headaches caused by exposure to cold air. A fine paste of this spice should be prepared by mixing it with water and it should be applied over the temples and forehead to obtain relief.

Headache treatment using Marjoram

The herb marjoram is beneficial in the treatment of a nervous headache. An infusion of the leaves is taken as a tea in the treatment of this disorder.

Headache treatment using Rosemary

The herb rosemary has been found valuable in headaches resulting from cold. A handful of this herb should be boiled in a liter of water and put in a mug. The head should be covered with a towel and the steam inhaled for as long as the patient can bear. This should be repeated till the headache is relieved.

Diet for headaches

Proper nutrition, exercise, positive thinking
The best way to prevent headaches is to build up physical resistance through proper nutrition, physical exercise and positive thinking. As a first step, the patient should undertake a short fast, and take citrus fruit juices diluted with water every two hours from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. daily. Thereafter, he should plan his diet in such a way as to put the least possible strain on the digestion. Breakfast may consist of fruits, both fresh and dried. Lunch may consist of protein foods. Starchy foods such as whole-wheat bread, cereals, rice, or potatoes should be taken at dinner along with raw salads. Spices, condiments, sour buttermilk, and oily foodstuffs should be avoided. Drinking a glass of water (warm water in winter and cool water in summer), mixed with a teaspoon of honey first thing in the morning, is also a good remedy. Copious drinking of water throughout the day is also advised.

Other headache remedies

Water treatment
Other helpful measures in the treatment of headaches are a cleansing enema with water temperature at 37 degree C, a cold throat pack, frequent applications of towels wrung out from very hot water to the back of the neck, a cold compress at 4.4 degree C to 15.6 degree C applied to the head and face, or an alternate spinal compress. Hot fomentations over the abdominal region just before retiring relieve headaches caused by stomach and liver upsets.

Hot foot bath
Hot foot baths are also beneficial in the treatment of chronic headaches. The patient should keep his legs in a tub or bucket filled with hot water at a temperature of 40 degree C to 45 degree C for fifteen minutes every night before retiring. This treatment should be continued for two or three weeks.
Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kunjal; pranayamas like anulomaviloma, shitali and sitkari; and asanas such as uttanpadasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, halasana, and shavasana are also beneficial in the treatment of headaches.

Symptoms and Causes of Headache or Migraine

Headache cures are the most sought after remedies as it is one of the most common ailment people suffer from. Headaches afflict almost everyone at some time or the other. Most headaches are functional, being caused by temporary upsets, and are not related to any organic changes in the brain. They are often natures warning that something is wrong somewhere in the body. The actual pain, however, arises from irritation to nerve endings in the shoulder, neck, and scalp muscles, and also in the smooth muscles encircling the blood vessels which severe these areas. Migraine headaches in an acute condition suffered by some patients and we have listed some useful information for them also.

Symptoms and Causes of Headache

Allergies, stress, eye strain:

The common causes of headaches are allergy, emotional stress, eye strain, high blood pressure, a hangover, infection, low blood sugar, nutritional deficiency, tension, and the presence of poisons and toxins in the body. Allergies are often the unsuspected cause of headaches. The foods to which some people are allergic and which can trigger headaches are milk and milk products, chocolate, chicken, liver, alcohol and strong cheese. Sneezing and diarrhea are further indications of an allergy.

Home remedies for miscarriage

Miscarriage or abortion may be defined as the termination of pregnancy before the period of viability, which is considered to occur at 28th week. Miscarriages generally take place in the first two trimesters. The chance of a miscarriage in the third trimester is extremely low.

Home remedies for miscarriage:

  • Take the herbs cramp bark along with wild yam to relieve leg pains and to prevent miscarriages.

  • The herb corn silk can help in easy labor and reduce bleeding after labor.

  • Nutmeg tea helps the uterus to contract and lessens bleeding afterbirth.

  • The herb thyme taken in a tea helps expel the placenta.

  • Apply myrrh to the newborn's navel after the cord has been removed to prevent infection.

  • The herbs pennyroyal and mistletoe may induce abortion by causing uterine contractions.

  • The herbs red raspberry, false unicorn, and lobelia help to strengthen the uterus which will help shortening labor. Take them regularly during pregnancy.

  • The herbs catnip and cayenne in capsules help to prevent morning sickness.

  • The herbs bayberry and mistletoe help in stopping bleeding from the uterus.

  • Take cod liver oil, iodine, and iron to prevent morning sickness, and birth defects in your infant.

  • Take dandelion, kelp, and alfalfa to provide minerals and keep weight off the hips.

  • Alcohol consumption is the leading cause of birth defects and mental retardation in newborns and should be avoided at all stages of pregnancy.

  • Smoking during pregnancy robs the baby of oxygen and contributes to colic.
    The diet must include whole, live foods. Herbs and other nutritional supplements may be used to enhance the diet. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, sprouts, butter (not margarine), dairy products (if they are tolerated), nuts, seeds, organically raised animal protein (to avoid the hormones and antibiotics used in producing commercial animals) and yogurt are the types of foods to be included in the diet.

  • Red raspberry acts as a uterine tonic, contains many vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron and B-Complex.

  • Good natural source vitamins can also be used to prevent miscarriages and enhance the health of both mom and babe. Some that are considered to be essential are vitamin E, Zinc, Vitamin B6 and B-Complex.

Nobles, R., and Schiff, D., "Miscarriages of justice: a systems approach" (1996) 59 Modern Law Review 299
Poole, A., "Remedies in miscarriage of justice cases" 1998 Scottish Law Times 65
Christopher, John, School of Natural Healing, Christopher Publications
Gardner, Joy, Healing the Family, Bantam Books
Mervyn, Leonard, Thorson's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Various causes for the miscarriage:

Miscarriage or abortion may be defined as the termination of pregnancy before the period of viability, which is considered to occur at 28th week. Miscarriages generally take place in the first two trimesters. The chance of a miscarriage in the third trimester is extremely low.

Various causes for the miscarriage:

  • Infection such as viral infection

  • Chronic illness such as chronic nephritis,

  • Acute or chronic respiratory disease

  • Severe anemia

  • Direct trauma on the abdominal wall by blow or fall may be related to abortion.

  • Emotional upset

  • Change in environment may lead to abortion by affecting the uterine activity.

  • A mom in a high stress situation (perhaps unmarried, financial problems, health problems, unstable

  • marriage, unwanted pregnancy, etc.) is more likely to miscarry.

  • In some women even a minor trauma

  • Internal examination in the early months of pregnancy or sexual intercourse in early months can also lead to abortion.

  • Environmental toxins like lead, arsenic, anesthetic gases, tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, radiation in excess amount increase the risk of abortion. Drugs used for epilepsy or ant malarial preparations are not harmful when used in small doses but in high doses they can induce abortion.

  • Cervical incompetence, either congenital or acquired is one of the commonest causes of mid trimester and recurrent abortions. Congenital malformation of the uterus may be responsible for mid trimester or recurrent abortion. Premature rupture of the membranes inevitably leads to abortion. Hormonal imbalance due to deficiency of progesterone making the uterine environment less receptive is also responsible for abortion.

  • Other causes of miscarriage may include the following: Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, incompetent os i.e. weakness of the cervical muscles, excessive water i.e. hydrations, low-lying placenta causing bleeding and consequently abortion, and lifting heavy weights.

  • Sometimes dietary factors such as deficiency of folic acid or vitamin E are often thinks to be responsible for the abortion. When a pregnant woman is under stress, she not only depletes her own vitamin and mineral reserves and her own adrenal and glandular strength, but she drains these things off her baby. The patient with threatened abortion shows the increased vaginal bleeding, aggravation of pain in the lower abdomen.

Nobles, R., and Schiff, D., "Miscarriages of justice: a systems approach" (1996) 59 Modern Law Review 299
Poole, A., "Remedies in miscarriage of justice cases" 1998 Scottish Law Times 65
Christopher, John, School of Natural Healing, Christopher Publications
Gardner, Joy, Healing the Family, Bantam Books
Mervyn, Leonard, Thorson's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals.

Constipation Symptoms and Causes

Constipation is a common disturbance of the digestive tract. In this condition, the bowels do not move regularly, or are not completely emptied when they move. This condition is the chief cause of many diseases as it produces toxins which find their way into the bloodstream and are carried to all parts of the body. Appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract, and cancer are only a few of the diseases in which chronic constipation is an important predisposing factor.

Constipation Symptoms

Infrequency, irregularity in elimination of hard faucal matter:

The most common symptoms of constipation are infrequency, irregularity or difficulty in elimination of the hard faucal matter.

Coated tongue, Foul breath, headache, depression, insomnia etc:

The other symptoms include a coated tongue, foul breath, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, dark circles under the eyes, depression, nausea, pimples on the face, ulcer in the mouth, constant fullness in the abdomen, diarrhea alternating with constipation, varicose veins, pain in the lumbar region, acidity, heart burn, and insomnia.
Causes of Constipation

Faulty diet and style of living:
The most important causes of chronic constipation are a faulty diet and style of living.

Insufficient intake of water, strong tea and coffee etc:

Intake of refined and rich foods lacking in vitamins and minerals, insufficient intake of water, consumption of meat in large quantities, excessive use of strong tea and coffee, insufficient chewing, overeating and wrong combination of foods, irregular habits of eating and drinking may all contribute to poor bowel function.

Irregular habit of defecation, lack of physical activity:

Other causes include faulty and irregular habit of defecation, frequent use of purgatives, weakness of abdominal muscles due to sedentary habits, lack of physical activity, and emotional stress and strain.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Home Remedies to Prevent Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes are a condition where the eyes begin swelling due to different factors. The skin around the eyes is very thin and is full of blood vessels which make it very sensitive. Usually puffy eyes will go away after a little bit of time or some treatments done at home. However, puffy eyes are also symptoms of other eye conditions that may require examination by an eye care professional. In cases where puffy eyes are severe and persistent or are accompanied by pain, discomfort, blurry vision, or other conditions, an optometrist should be contacted about the problem.

We know a man who has so much puffiness under his eyes; it looks like his nose is wearing a saddle.
One reason for puffiness may be an excessive amount of salt in one's diet. Salt causes water retention and water retention causes puffiness. What can be done about it? Stay away from salt.

Here are some home remedies:

  • When you want to look your best, set your clock an hour earlier than usual. Give yourself that extra time to de puff. Either that, or sleep sitting up so the puffs don't get a chance to form under your eyes.
  • If you already have puffs, wet a couple of chamomile tea bags with tepid water and put them on your closed eyelids. Relax that way for 15 minutes.
  • Fill a small bowl with iced water or ice-cold milk. Soak a cotton wool pad with the liquid and lie down with the dampened pads over your eyes. Replace the pads as soon as they become warm. Continue for 15 minutes. As well as reducing puffiness, this treatment will brighten the whites of your eyes.
  • Thin cucumber slices used as compresses over closed eyes will relieve sore, puffy eyes.
  • Avoid salty foods, which cause the under eye area (and the rest of your body) to hold fluid. Soothing Eye creams with aloe and Vitamin E can be applied to the eyes.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair

Premature Graying of Hair treatment using Indian Gooseberry :

The use of Indian gooseberry is the foremost among the home remedies found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature graying of hair. This is a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. The fruit, cut into pieces, should be dried, preferably in shade. These pieces should be boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. This darkish oil is very useful against premature graying. The water in which dried amla pieces have been soaked overnight is also nourishing for the hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair. Massaging the scalp every night with a teaspoonful of amla juice, mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of lime juice, also proves beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature graying of hair.

Premature Graying of Hair treatment using Amaranth

Amaranth is another effective home remedy for hair disorders. Application of the fresh juice of the leaves of this vegetable helps the hair to retain its black color and prevents it from premature graying. It also helps the growth of the hair and keeps it soft.

Premature Graying of Hair treatment using Curry Leaves

Liberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature graying of hair. These leaves have the property of providing vitality and strength to hair roots. New hair roots that grow are healthier and contain a normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of chutney, or may be squeezed in buttermilk. When the leaves are boiled in coconut oil, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth and bring back hair pigmentation.

Premature Graying of Hair treatment using Ribbed Gourd

Ribbed gourd boiled in coconut oil is also an effective remedy for premature graying of hair. Pieces of this vegetable should be dried in the shade. These dried pieces should be soaked in coconut oil and kept aside for three or four days. The oil should then be boiled till the solid is reduced to a blackened residue. This oil should be massaged into the scalp. It will help enrich the hair roots and restore pigment to the hair.
Premature Graying of Hair treatment using Butter

The butter made from cow's milk has the property of preventing premature graying of hair. A small roll may be taken internally and a little quantity may be massaged into the hair roots twice a week.
Premature Graying of Hair treatment using Vitamins

The vitamins considered useful in guarding against premature graying of hair are pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), inositol. The minimum daily requirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg of pantothenic acid, 100 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid, and 2 gm of inositol. To obtain satisfactory results, all three of these vitamins belonging to the B group should be supplied at one time, preferably in a form which supplies all the B vitamins, such as yeast and liver. The three anti-graying- hair vitamins can also be produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria. Thus, taking a sufficient quantity of yoghurt daily and a tablespoonful of yeast before each meal is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of premature graying of hair. If one wishes to take tablets of calcium pantothenate and para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), they should be taken in addition to the yeast and yoghurt, and not as a substitute for them.

Juice of carrot, lettuce, capsicum and fresh alfalfa remove copper deficiency, this is good remedy for gray hair and hair loss.

Dietaries for Premature Graying of Hair
Take nutrients rich diet

Diet is of utmost importance in the prevention and treatment of premature graying of hair and persons suffering from this disorder should take a diet rich in all essential nutrients.
Avoid certain foods, soft drinks etc

Foods such as white flour, refined sugar and all products made from them, soft drinks, pastries, jams and jellies should be avoided. These foods take away energy, cause wrinkles, unattractive skin, grey hair, and premature old age.

Other Premature Graying of Hair treatments
Massage of scalp with almond oil .Massage of the scalp with almond oil is recommended.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Causes of Premature Graying of Hair

Premature Graying of Hair

The hair has a tendency to lose its natural color with advancing age and turn grey, but premature graying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look older. The hair is an appendage of the skin. It is composed of the same kinds of cells as are found in the outer layer of the skin, which is known as the epidermis. Hair grows from hair follicles which are deep recesses in the epidermis. The sebaceous glands of the scalp secrete an oily substance called sebum, which is the source of nutrition and blackness of the hair. The hair cannot be fed externally, for such nourishment, as the scalp requires, must come to it from the bloodstream.

Causes of Premature Graying of Hair

1. Faulty diet, mental worries and lack of vitamins

A faulty diet and mental worries are the two primary causes of premature graying of hair. Lack of some of the B vitamins, iron, copper, and iodine in the daily diet is said to be a contributory factor. Mental worries produce extraordinary tension in the skin of the scalp; this interferes with the supply of vital nutrition necessary for the health of the hair.

2. Heredity, unclean condition of scalp etc

Other causes of premature graying of hair are an unclean condition of the scalp, washing the hair with hot water, drying it with an electric dryer, and use of hair dyes. Heredity is also a predisposing factor.